In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16
Grounded; to the word Love; your relationship with God Influence; a light that shines Motivate; audience of one To build His Churches in the following schools this generation that will reach out to other generations; Christchurch ADSS Marsiling Woodlands Riverside Fuchun Siling Evergreen Woodgrove Woodlands Ring NorthE `Xinru `Jamie `Cynthia `Yanxia `Siewfen `Jinlin `Ellina `Xiangqing `Sharon `Sherry `Xueqing `Debbie NorthG `Joshua `Yiyong `Lucas `Binhua `Kelvin Khor `Koksoon `Benedict `Junlin `Haowen `Darren `Zonglin `Mingxiang `Jianhao `Junjie `Jonathon `Shenda `Minghui `Waikeong `Branel `Weekiat `Szeyuan Generation to Generations `David Sentosa `Jeremy `Liyan `Kelvin the Ox Tagboard
Exits GENsters Binhua Callista Cynthia DavidH DavidS Debbie Ellina Haowen Jamie Joshua Jianhao Jinlin Junjie Junlin Koksoon Lucas Mingxiang Sharon Sherry Xinru Weekiat Zonglin Archives
December 2009January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 |
Sunday, June 27, 2010
We believe? Believe (Good Charlotte - The Chronicles of Life and Death 2005) There's a woman crying out tonight Her world has changed She asks God why Her only son has died And now her daughter cries She can't sleep at night Downtown Another day for all the suits and ties Another war to fight There's no regard for life How do they sleep at night How can we make things right? Just wanna make this right We believe In this love We are all the same Human in all our ways and all our pain So let it be There's a love that could fall down like rain Let us see Let forgiveness wash away the pain What we need And no one really knows what they are searching for We believe This world is crying for so much more We believe In this love [Bridge] So this world Is too much For you to take Just lay it down and follow me I'll be everything you need In every way The world is in pain Imagine if the Bridge is said by God Do we believe in this Love? God is Love There are so many things I just wanna talk about from this song But duh, there are just too much to talk about Really, go watch the video and think Don't just blindly watch this video, use your heart to listen to it -Jericho Ho, The Believer Friday, June 25, 2010
but Please take note that Water Bapt registration ends this Sunday! so whomever is registering, please tell. (: JunJie. Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Chapter # x
Prologue 26 teenagers chosen by the Almighty God were placed in the land of Woodlands, sent to reach out to the lost, the hopeless, and the broken hearted. Each individual being so unique have their set of characters and skills. God chose them from the many thousands from their schools. Now they must be the light of the land of Woodlands and fight this spiritual war against darkness. ![]() I hope each and everyone of us really got something out of the camp. you know what, woodlands? I'm just so pumped up to go reach out to the lost leh, cos God showed me the lost and the hopeless during pre-camp, camp and post-camp. I refuse to let all these people to be part of the lost generation. i refuse to tell people that there is no hope. Woodlands is not meant to be a hopeless place. I want to build up the house of God in this land that we are given. ![]() Woodlands, let's choose to obey God and respond to God's call. Let's refuse to give up even though the journey may be tough. Let's step into our new chapter with God given convictions from camp and not let the fire in us extinguish! Do what we need to do - write our convictions down, fast and pray, go outreach, go bang the wall (im kidding bout this one), disciple people, do something out of the ordinary. Don't let the camp be the climax. Let it be the bottom of the mountain, and climb to the peak. Don't walk around it, don't walk away from it. Face the mountain and let's climb! ![]() - Jericho Ho Jun Lin Names.
Joshua, JianHao, JunLin, YiYong, BinHua, Haowen, Darren, Lucas, Benedict, WaiKeong, Weekiat, Shenda, Jonathan Branel and JunJie. XinRu JinLin Debbie Sherry Xueqing Yanxia Jamie Ellina Siew fen Ariel and lastly.. Siang Qin. ---> JunJie <--- Saturday, June 19, 2010
Prologue is in.. 1 day! Prepared for it? Have you done your devotions? Have you set your camp OBJECTIVES? Have you packed your bags? I'm really fired up for what God will do in North in just this 3 days 2 nights. Thursday, June 17, 2010
![]() ![]() Wednesday, June 16, 2010
To-Bring-List for Camp. IGNORE HOMEWORKS!
![]() To-Bring-List: 1. 3 or more set of clothings. (Tops, Bottoms, Undergarment.) I personally recommend 4. (: 2. Sleeping bag (Optional) 3. Toiletries and personal items (Tooth brush/paste and soaps.) 4. Towels. 5. Shoes and slippers/Sandals. 6. Insect repellent. 7. Writing Materials. 8. Bible. 9. Water bottle (Optional.) 10. Personal medications (If any.) 11, Torchlight, in case you need it to find the toilet at night. 12. Cash. 13. miscellaneous Items (Handphone chargers etc.) Please ignore the Homeworks. JunJie. Camp.
Camp in 4 more days.4 more days to pay for the camp. (: 3 more days to submit the forms. (: Jiayou. Friday, June 11, 2010
Pray and Pray.
Lets not forget to pray.On February 25, 2010.. If you've forgotten, lets read again. Concluding by saying "Never belittle the power of prayers and faith." JunJie. Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What a sacrificial heart.
![]() While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, "Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year's wages and the money given to the poor." And they rebuked her harshly. "Leave her alone," said Jesus. "Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." -Mark 14:3-10 We should always give our very best to Jesus, irregardless of what we are doing. This unknown woman has truly set an example by breaking the alabaster jar of pure nard which can be sold for more than a year's wages and pouring it on Jesus' head for his burial. Since Jesus died on the cross for us and suffered so much, giving our best for the Kingdom cannot be compared to the pain he endured, simply because he has faith that he will be saved. In the same way, we should have the faith to continue walking on with God and trust that what we have done will pay off and we will meet Him in Heaven one day. We may face persecutions along the way, but as long as we persevere and have faith in God that He will guide us through everything. And also let's spur each other on in this race. :D -Jamie Monday, June 7, 2010
Hey every handsome guys and pretty girls,Let's all remember to do our North Camp devotions faithfully alright. Let's all devote ourselves to the devotion. :D The link is below in case you have forgotten it: You're responsible for your own spiritual growth. :) -Jamie READ CAREFULLY.
Hey everyone (: [NWC]: North Woodlands Channel reporting..Announcements of the week: 1. Monday: Word For Life, [Part two] Venue: Cuppage Plaza, different countries Time: 2.00pm-6.00pm For those who are involved in other rest of classes except Jonah which already finished; please be reminded that tomorrow is the last day you cannot miss! Let the word of God taught last week be completed (: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Wednesday: Relationship seminar [Under 16 and below] Venue: Cuppage Plaza, Nexus Time: To be confirmed *pluck flowers*... you love me, you love me not. you love me, you love me not. you love me, you love me not. you love me, you love me not. you love me, you love me not. STOP. Flowers are not at all accurate (: Come and find out a true love that travels beyond terms and condition this Wednesday. And what is the exact picture, intended purpose of BGR God has insinuated for the mankind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday: Relationship seminar [For 16 and above] Venue: Cuppage Plaza, Nexus. Time: To be confirmed We entrusted God for our eternity, why not relationships? "The longer the wine brews, the sweeter it taste". As true as the following quotation goes, come and find out what are the certain healthy lines to draw while relating between opposite gender. Learn to "brew" biblical friendships, in confidence that God will give us the best in future. This kinda thing, patient la. Hehe (: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday: NorthG Unit Gathering Place of meeting: Marsiling MRT station Venue: Waterfront Park Time: 6.00pm-9.00pm Come down for a whooping fun time, in enjoying one another's presence (: Bring along any forms of entertainment; card games, board games etc. Let this be a time where we know one another deeper, engaging unto "heart to heart talks" Be there or be squared (: NOT FORGETTING BRINGING OUR FRIENDS ALONG. Let's start inviting your friends, and show them the loveee (: Cheers (: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As much fun as we can anticipate in the upcoming holidays, let us not forget the purpose of our existence on Earth. I believe some of us have went through gruesome moments in witnessing the terrible living conditions during community care, some others who rolled up their sleeves and stained their body with paint and pains; I pray it will not be a once off event, but a experience that will leave a imprint in our hearts, one that arouses compassion for the lost. "Hey Woodlands, what is your register number?" "It's okay, just know you are always No.1 in my heart" iHEARTrevolutions Thursday, June 3, 2010
Serving the world with hands
Hello woodlands.Few additions to the previous post: To Bring List: For painting and cleaning 1. Gloves 2. Mops 3. Garbage Bags [Buy in bulks] 4. Pails [Fill up with water if necessary] Thank you, cheers (: Love the world with physical needs
Hey Everyone. Glue your eyeballs on the screen now and read carefully:Announcements for Community Care this Saturday To Bring List: PAINTING 1. *Wear slippers [Wear Nike Air if you want it to have a change of colors] 2. *Newspapers [ Unless you are intending to paint the floor as well] 3. *Masking Tapes [Not for kidnapping the senior citizens] 4. *Rags or unused cloths : [Unless you want to wipe toilet with your flat-berry shirt] 5. * Wear unwanted clothes : [Strictly no evening gown or tuxedo] 6. Paint brush, rollers or trays for paint : [Unless you want to do finger painting] 7. Scrubs : [This is to wash the Painting trays (: ] Note: All the materials labelled with asterisk above is a MUST, we cannot do without them! They serve as important precaution and safety measures for everyone; Let's be faithful. Having said that, the last two are not listed for fun; they play important role for a quicker job done and convenience too. Cheers (: iHEARTpeople |
May His light shine,
before all men on earth |