In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16
Grounded; to the word Love; your relationship with God Influence; a light that shines Motivate; audience of one To build His Churches in the following schools this generation that will reach out to other generations; Christchurch ADSS Marsiling Woodlands Riverside Fuchun Siling Evergreen Woodgrove Woodlands Ring NorthE `Xinru `Jamie `Cynthia `Yanxia `Siewfen `Jinlin `Ellina `Xiangqing `Sharon `Sherry `Xueqing `Debbie NorthG `Joshua `Yiyong `Lucas `Binhua `Kelvin Khor `Koksoon `Benedict `Junlin `Haowen `Darren `Zonglin `Mingxiang `Jianhao `Junjie `Jonathon `Shenda `Minghui `Waikeong `Branel `Weekiat `Szeyuan Generation to Generations `David Sentosa `Jeremy `Liyan `Kelvin the Ox Tagboard
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Jesus our role model. (:
![]() God, im amazed at how Jesus could pray fervently to You. This one question i would really like to ask even myself, "should prayers only be done during service, prayer meets, lifegroups?" or should it be a lifestyle/habit? "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1Thessalonians 5:16 -18). Something that i learned.. was that, we shouldnt get too busy that we dont pray.. Praying is not just another thing we do as a religion, but its a conversation with God. Yet the news about Him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses, but Jesus often withdrew to other lonely places and prayed. (Luke 5:15 - 16) This portrays only one thing to me, even though Jesus had that busy schedule, even though lots of people came to Jesus to be healed.. Jesus often went off to pray. Jesus were never too "busy" to pray to God. so all the more we should pray to God lor. i know whatever im saying doesnt really make sense to you.. but i really hope you would ask yourself, and this was the main purpose why i wanted to post, "have i been praying to God except for times when im facing problems, when its during service, when its during life group and prayer meets?" there may be people who say yes, there may be people who say no. and there may be people who say that, they would sometimes forget. well, i believe that its time to change that mindset of only praying when you need it. haha. so jiayou bah people! Lets remember Jesus as our role model :D Christianity is not just another religion, but its a relationship. Praying is important. (: i know i didnt make the effort to post a wordy blog post because i didnt have the motivation to but ya lor... 加油 Junjie. |
May His light shine,
before all men on earth |