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In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The holding of hands amplifies many symbolic meaning it can represent. I would believe that the first instant when our hands were being held were by our care takers and that alone gave us the assurance knowing that someone is leading us.

As the realistic world start to become surreal as we aged, we being to realize the palms of male and female differ in size and that's when we were made to 'hold hands' when we were in primary school. That's if you come from a both gender school.

Then awhile later, the differences of our physic and our relations to the opposite gender create a sense of awkwardness when we continue to hold each other hands in school. Hence, by the education level of primary three most would leave their hands free for their own. Yet, the holding on hands during the stage of discovery was for the need of social touch.

Strange enough, what seems to be repulsion seems to attract when we enter puberty. That's where raging hormones over power whatever past experience we use to have. Needless to say, the hormones are so powerful that it personified one longing to be loved. That explains for the many pair of hands that are being held together at ridiculous size. By size, i mean small palms and height.

However, what's interesting with this holding on hands is that it never stay constant for a decade (If you ever meet one, you must be lucky as the probability is 1/10000).

It changes with different partners. Once we had enough of each other, the chemistry due to the all powerful hormones seemed to fade away. Enough of leeching on one another to give each other the extra intimacy and emotional care that's fleeting. Funny thing is, the raging hormones despite got tired of this emotional game will revive itself and start eyeing for new people that they can leeched on in the name of love. Or maybe, conditional love.

This cycle seems to continue till we finally decide to settle down on someone who we decide to get marry too( if not when age catches up, it's too late). The days of honeymoon will soon be over and the cycle of leeching each other dry will elevate up once again. The sucking process never ends. When this gets so tiring, then maybe we shall file for a divorce.

Who suffers the repercussion? The children.

What amazes me is that, those parents were also the one who once said that they want to have a happy family when they get married. However, they do not recognize that the truth of the problem is in themselves. It all starts with them allowing to feed on each other ever since they were young. They were also the one who choose emotions above commitment which explains for the ever changing partners like changing of undergarments.

Truth be is it this, the never ending sucking process will never end. The solution is not to find new partners for you to suck dry but to learn to find the one who can fill you with what you need. What everyone needs is knowing that there's a unconditional love that is always ready to flow in them. The insecurity that is residing in every single soul can be eradicated with his never ending assurance that we are his forever.

I always believe in marrying a princess but in order to do that i want to be a prince. I can't imagine asking my wife this question and we are practically fine with it.

David: Dear, how many ex do you have before me?

Wife: Not a lot, maybe 5 or maybe it was 10?


Alright, that being said does not mean that people who choose to let this love reside in one's heart will never face the emotional lack. However, when they go through this they can be practically honest with each other and admit this lack and ask God to fill their love tank.

I always believe, how can you love when you have not received love?

Singlehood is a blessing and I'm proud of mine. Why do I need to live for specifically one person when i can choose to build more solid friendships when I have the ample amount of time. Singlehood allows me to see the true clours of people instead of the mask being. :D

I love my singlehood! :D


Though I don't really belong to GEN, but i felt this is an interesting write up that I wanted to do since two days ago but just can't put it in words.

I pray that we will continue to rise up man and woman of God that love nothing but God and hate nothing else but sin. :D Amen :D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hey GEN, and perhaps IDJC for those who views this blog. (:
Please be reminded that 2nd may is the deadline for registering the ID2010.
There's still time, so for those who have yet saved enough money, please make use of the remaining time to save. ^^
Jiayou, its tough, i understand, because i struggled with saving up the 45 while managing my course's art materials, But by God's grace, i say we can do it. (:
I've done saving up the money, and so can you. :D
jiayou jiayou!
thats all.

PS. Mid year is coming, i want to pray for those taking the exams.
Do this with God. ;D


Just like Aaron and Hur

Joshua 17:12-13
12 When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

Just like how Aaron and Hur supported Moses in the midst of battle and that resulted to victory. The above man of God did and are doing likewise in the current ministry.

Truth be is is this, though we might not engaged in a battle that is as ferocious in the physical sense but it's equal or if not even more in the spiritual sense. If plain leadership in the world seems tormenting to one physical being, then spirit leadership would aggravate all the three aspects of physical, emotional and spiritual. That alone is leadership, but we have not factor in the stuff that one has to administer. By now, I'm not advocating that leadership is direful to oneself but it's reap so much joy when you know who you want to please. At the same time, i know all our ID:JC leaders have at least the similar foundation reasons on our service to God. Of which, one would be because it flows our of our love for God.

Eph 6:12
12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Before I further deviate, I was saying that on top of leadership which I believe that most leaders would agree with me that it's taxing the load of replying mails, booking of rooms and many others can at time be a toll to the physical self. However, if all these administration is not done well the entire body of Christ suffers. Simply because the church is govern by three concept of growth (at least for now) spirit, structure and system.

If the system were to fail, no matter how deep the spirit is and effective the structure it's counter productive. As a leader for many years, I must admit that I am not one that can do all three effectively and especially when my age is catching up. That explains for the amount of depletion of energy at times. Therefore, the system indeed is a imperative though seemingly insignificant process of growth. Though that is what it's portray, I would beg to differ. Simply because the system is simply like the backbone of the church. The blood could represent the spirit and structure might be the muscles but if there were no backbone it's simply collapses.

Therefore at this particular point of time, I would like to esteem two person in GEN that have been managing the system well in GEN which actually contributes to ID:JC growth. In fact, this is not even managing but a healthy discipleship. Where the baton is now pass on to Jun Jie from Jericho.

Jericho, i honestly cannot count with my bare hands on the number of times I called you out of the blue to either book room, checking availability of rooms, stats and even checking of meeting dates. Out of the countless number of times, you have never rejected me once and give me the necessary updates that were required. Honestly, like what i always say i really cannot imagine life without you. For the numerous times on reminders with payment to the rooms, it really helps. GEN was able to administer well because of your constant faithfulness. Once again, I want to just take minutes out to appreciate all that you have done behind the scene. Thank God for you! Continue to use your faithfulness to lead your people and I honestly look forward to the day where I can sit beside you in the Youth LGLM level. Till today, my belief in you has never subsided. Jia you! You are doing well, keep up the good work! Continue to work on areas that you know that might hinder you! :D Don't let those minor barriers stop a giant for God to achieve even greater things for his Kingdom. Once again, you are truly appreciated!

BTW readers, my theology of faithfulness is not merely managing but being able to produce fruits. Don't believe me, just read the parable of talents. :D

Now, the Jericho has set the stage our very own loving shepherd Jun Jie. I know that butterfly feeling that rushes through stomach and blood when this role was empowered to you. On one hand, it was the feeling of inadequacy while the other was filled with excitement. Your enthusiasm for the work of the Lord is commendable. I still vividly recount last Youth LGLM you were outside America room to chase leaders for stats. Of which, I wonder if you have ever asked yourself why go that mile to do all these? Even if you did, I know and believe everything that flows our from you is from a reservoir of unconditional love that comes from a personal relationship with Him. Secretly, I often chanced upon your blog and one of your most recent post was about asking God to equip you to administrate better. Friend, your diligence in the kingdom matters has more impacted than what you are doing. Though it seems small, but i was to empower you to think bigger. Whenever you keep doing your best, what you are simply doing is more than GEN, ID:JC, North but it's to the entire youth level. That being that means international. As mentioned earlier leadership is more than spirit and structure, you sustained the backbone! So friend, my only expectation from you is simply your best. Jericho have set the stage higher than the previous (Sentosa), now it's your time to elevate it by just continue doing what you have been doing. :D If I were to go on, i can but i know that would strain your eyes. So I want to encourage you to draw strength from God daily as you continue to engage in Kingdom business in whatever you do. Simply from going to school, shepherding, outreaching and so much more. Let the love of God continue to liberate from all the things you do. To me, you are someone that I am quite certain that God will use greatly to impact lives individually that will reap a ripple effect as you continue to walk with Him. Though sometimes the road will seem bleak, but you must always remember that God is still molding you to become the man he has wanted you to be.

Once again, I'm honored to serve alongside with two man of God who I know that were not simply made to do the ordinary but extraordinary. Keep up your faith and treasure your walk with God. Never lost sight of what does it mean to be child like.

If there's just one thing I want and can keep up with you guys is a child like faith. I'm apprehensive that my age can ever run slower and wait for you guys. But I know my faith can! :D

Signing off,
David Hoe


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Im very encouraged. (:


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

This brings me back to How God never leaves us, nor forsake us, like how it is said in the book of Hebrews.
Upset, terrified, worried, etc.. all these emotions and feelings that has been tempting us to give in.
As much as i understand that i shouldnt, this feelings/emotions just did their work on me as i gave in to them..
Had an unpleasant feeling for the past 2 days, and thought maybe a movie with my friends could cheer me up.
But, who would have thought the movie we watched made it worse.
I was so terrified by the movie, that i struggled with figuring out how i should go back home alone, in the dark night.
I walked out of the theater room after the movie, feeling irritated and all of a sudden, that spooky feeling just disappeared........
I wondered what could have made it disappear, and i cant help but to realise that it was God's presence.
Never in my whole life have i been able to go home alone unafraid after watching a scary movie,
and God really did something.. By showing his love and presence to me.
The assurance that he gave, tells me that there's nothing to be feared at his voice. :D
God be my place of Refuge. (:

PS. Just a random sharing. But i signifies how graet God is.. Proving how he would not leave us, how he still love us. :D

thats all. JunJie.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A simple yet memorable blessing i had yesterday
As most of the people in Woodlands know, it has been really pouring these few days, and today was no exception. When i walked out of school, it was just a drizzle. However it got heavier as i continued my journey towards 888. Thankfully my friend had an umbrella, and she sheltered me to the blocks, and from there i walked the park connector which was under the MRT track, and i was dry! quite. But as i was about to reach 888, which also means that im getting out of the nice sheltered path, the rain was like, wohooo. So i made a simple prayer, for the rain to get smaller, ad wait until i get under the shelter then it can get bigger la. True enough, the moment i stepped out of the shelter, the rain got smaller! And when i reached the shelter, wow the rain was...thunderous. HAHA. and everyone at 888 was amazed that im quite dry! Thank God! i didnt take bus alright! xD


Badminton anyone?

hey all!
Tell u guys something ok?
One thing good about Woodlands Sec and Marsiling Sec is..
meaning - badminton/basketball can go there play ^^

The last 2 photos may be my favourite yet! ^^
-Jericho Ho


Maybe this is a weird thing to blog about
But are all of us like.. hmm how do you say..
lack sleep?

i dun know about you, but i've heard a lot of stories
seen many eye bags, and i myself had experienced it too

anyways, the point is
is a very important thing in your life
you must have it or else u will gain the following:
eye bags
more wrinkles
more headaches
bigger eye bags
more illnesses
eye bags on your eye bags
eye sore

and like they say, a sleepless person is cranky person
at least that's what i think they say..
considering who said it.. hmm..

hahaz but the point is
all of us need to let our bodies rest
like REST, u know?
so i rather u stop doing what you are doing at like 1am

shpds, pls set an example by sleeping early
and also to nag your sheep to sleep

this is just another gentle reminder from the steathy
Jericho Ho Jun Lin

Monday, April 12, 2010
So blessed.

11 April, Monday. My day had started to be rather uneventful. I woke up at 11am and went to the sinseh for a treatment I had been procrastinating. This time it was more painful than all previous times because it was an old-injury-turned-severe. Nevermind about the pain. Little did I know it was only the beginning of a something more severe. My aunt had called me to turn up 1 hour earlier to tutor my cousins at Toa Payoh because my baby cousin, 3 years old, was home alone with the two other kids. She was worried and so I agreed. To cut the long story short... On my way there, I read an sms from Junjie reminding me to submit documents for my NYP card. Today was the deadline. I wasn't so perplexed at first. But later Yongqing called me for directions to the NYP office, which I was totally clueless as well, and she reminded me that the deadline ends 5pm. It was already 3.30pm. I panicked like an egg on a pan. I cancelled the tuition, rushed home and quickly ransacked-gathered the documents, got them photocopied and rushed to NYP. I was 3 minutes away from the closing of collection. But I couldn't find the room, had to call Yongqing who went there in the afternoon for directions. Under her simple yet confusing instructions, I made it! Haha. I got my poly card. A potential bad day became unexpectedly great. As an independent person, I seldom need to be helped but today proved me wrong. Thank God for helping me win a race against time and thank God for friends like Junjie and Yongqing! (:
Cheers, Jian Hao.

Hey,I just wanna share something with you guys.Today i was sick and didn't go to school,had a headache.Then when my mum woke up in the morning,and found out that i wasn't going to school,she began nagging at me cause it's like i everyday monday sick 1.Then she scolded me,then something came over me,and i vented my fustration on the pillow by throwing it to the window and my mum was at the door,completely 2 different sides of the room.
Then she shouted,"you wanna throw the pillow at me right?!"and then she began to hit me.Then i just said this as i was weeping cause i was crying at the moment,"I wasn't gonna throw it at you,just wanted to vent my fustration by throwing my pillow"After that,she said i couldn't go out to church and only can go out 3times a week and then she stormed out of the room,got her things for work and left.This happened at around 6.40.I was still crying and in fact,cried the whole morning.I asked God this,"What have i done wrong?I just talked back."and he told me this,"your temper&attitude,it has to change.Honor your parents."Then i thought about it,and felt that i did wrong,i hurt my parent's,they care about me so much,but yet i always think they care too much and wants me to be like my brother.
So when my shepherd,JunLin,wanted to find me,i went out to have lunch with him at 888.I shared my story to him,but i didn't tell him the full story cause i was still a little demoralized,so here is the full story.My mum told me to go home right after i ate my lunch,was kinda grounded.
On the bus home,i prayed to god that he would soften my mum's heart,if not,i wouldn't be able to do outreach,fellowship and lots more.When i reached home and ate dinner at 6.30,she told me this,"the reason i let you go to church is because church won't teach you bad"and then she said that i could go out everyday and service also but i gotta get good grades for my studies.
Thanks to god for softening my mum's heart
Haowen here.

Oh Oh.
Dont forget the Photo Taking Contest and Song Writing Competition.

1Theme: Hope Church Singapore is looking for an original photo that captures the conviction, call, experiences and/or encouragement in living as a disciple of Christ and/or becoming a disciple maker for Christ.
2You may send an unlimited number of entries which must be in digital format. JPEG file not less than 5 megapixels.
3All submissions must be completed together with a Material Release Form.
4Online registration and submission can be done through hopeID2010@gmail.com
5Prize: $400 cash

This contest is open to all members and friends of Hope Church (Singapore)

2Participants may submit as many entries as they wish.
3All submission shall remain the sole property of the participant.
4Hope Church Singapore reserves the right to reproduce, publicise or to exhibit the submissions in any form or media without any prior notification or payment made to participants.

Submitted entries must be attached with complete photo contest material release form.

6All entries must be participants' original works. Usage of third party/parties creative works is prohibited, in which the entry will be automatically disqualified.
7In every submission, the participants hereby agree to indemnify Hope Church Singapore and the organizers from any third party monetary claims or otherwise.
8Entries will be judged on the following criteria: subject matter, composition, creativity, originality and adherence to the theme.
9Minor photo touch-up is allowed i.e. adjustment of brightness of colour and softening or sharpening of the image.
10The following techniques will not be accepted: digital super imposition, composite photographs, photo montage, trick photography, digital imaging and image manipulations.
11All entries must be submitted by 18 Apr 2010 (by 11:59pm)* to hopeID2010@gmail.com.
12All awards shall be final and binding. Any form of correspondence shall not be entertained.
13Winners will be notified at a later date.

1Theme: Hope Church (S) is looking for an original song that captures the conviction, call, experiences and/or encouragement in living as a disciple of Christ and/or becoming a disciple maker for Christ. The lyrics should be catchy, easy for all to remember and sing.
2Requirements ~ Entries for the ID2010 Song should meet the following requirements:
+ Lyrics are written in English. Songwriters may submit songs written in Mandarin, but preferably the songs must be able to be translated to and sung in English and the lyrics must be accompanied by a translation of the song in English.
+ The song, as a whole, should be an original composition, unpublished and has not been performed.
3All submissions must be completed together with a Material Release Form.
4Prize: The winner will get $400 cash.

This contest is open to all members and friends of Hope Church (Singapore)

2Participants may submit as many songs as they wish.
3All submission shall remain the sole property of the participant.
4Hope Church Singapore reserves the right to reproduce, publicise or to exhibit the submissions in any form or media without any prior notification or payment made to participants.

Submitted entries must be attached with complete photo contest material release form.

6All entries must be participants' original composition. Usage of third party/parties creative works is prohibited, in which the entry will be automatically disqualified.
7In every submission, the participants hereby agree to indemnify Hope Church Singapore and the organizers from any third party monetary claims or otherwise.
8Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
+ Lyrics (clear, relevant, grammar, phrasing)
+ Melody (fits lyrics, musical phrasing and style)
+ Creativity / Originality
+ Able to evoke feelings for and of the call to discipleship
9All entries must be submitted by 18 Apr 2010 (by 11:59pm)* to hopeID2010@gmail.com with your name, contact number and name of pastoral group and care group you belong to.
10The submission should include the following:
+ A clear, audible and non-distorted CD recording of the composition that is with singing accompanied by musical instrument(s) (preferably piano, guitar or other instruments)
+ Audio Format - .mp3, .aac and .wav
+ Lyrics and basic chord chart (music score where possible)
+ File Format - .doc, .jpeg and .ppt
11Two song finalists will be shortlisted, and the songwriters will be notified by email on 7 May 2010*. The final winner will be announced during the Conference on 29 – 31 May 2010.
12All awards shall be final and binding. Any form of correspondence shall not be entertained.


Yo! An early reminder for an event happening in this coming May! :D
Yes, its ID:2010! the ID conference that is gonna occur in 29 - 31 May.
It may still be far from now, But i hope you guys would take note that the conference cost 45bucks per person (Students and Non-working adults). (:
So Let's start saving to go for this conference. :D
Its a very meaningful talk..

After seeing this video,
One thing.. "A true Disciple Make disciples."
So lets be intentional disciple makers. (:
And Lets go for this Conference. :D Hahaha..
Jiayou people.

Deadline: 2May2010.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

NYAPPY! everyone! ^^
as you all know i LOSE my ez link caed.. sad sad~
and i was very sad.. :( i am still sad la.. hahahaha.. cause that is a lot of thing is lost too.. sad-ed
but anyway...
i wnat to thank God for kok soon & jun lin!!
i want to thank kok soon for always helping me.. in finding song, my study & other thing..
and now! he is even lending me money to make my new ez link card.. he is really a very helpful lo..
and JUN i want to thank him for lending me his ez link card so that i can go for service 2day!
thank you!! ^^ JUN & KOK SOON really rock lo!!
yup.. i really want to thank god de both of you :DD


Wednesday, April 7, 2010
NorthG 1&2 forfeit week!

hey hey GEN!
TODAY, there is so many forfeits in the LG le!
so awesome
We have a new BROTHER in this FAMILY!!
His name is Zong lin and he is vr sincere in believing God
you can find him in the following forfeit videos ^^
anyways, i think God really blessed this guy a lot
anyways, Yi yong has another video that has some interesting videos bout a teaching we made today!
you should go check it out from him!
Anyways, these are the videos you guys have been waiting for!

I think Haowen look vr cute in this vid

it's FIZZ and BUZZ hahaz

This would be my personal favourite ^^

Frogs? hahaz

Hahaz, do enjoy! ^^


Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hi. Its me again!

Hi, it's me again! ^^
excited? no? aww...
but that's not the point
haha just to update you guys what me, Aaron and Bong's NORTH G 1&2 are doing
ok for some reason, the 3 of us are JAB, cos we kinda team up tgt to lead this LG
but that's not the point

This is something that as a LG we'll be disscussing about
This is a handsome guy...

oh man he is just so handsome i cant help but to say it 3 more times! hahaz
this guy is handsome! this guy is handsome! this guy is handsome!
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
yea its a lot of reading, but we all as a NorthG1&2 wanna be warriors
so this thing up above us means something special for each and everyone of us (i think)
WARRIORS! we gotta wear these armors to stand strong against... against...
the thing u can see at v12 hahaz
wah i tell u that verse look so chim and so wow
but the point is, let's chiong for God ^^
-Jericho Ho Jun Lin

Saturday, April 3, 2010
IDJC sports day :D

HEHE. i wanna be the first to post the pics! muahhahahha. had fun with you guys, totally.
we should start out captains ball every week thing again, and ask our friends down too! hahah.



- JunJie