In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16
Grounded; to the word Love; your relationship with God Influence; a light that shines Motivate; audience of one To build His Churches in the following schools this generation that will reach out to other generations; Christchurch ADSS Marsiling Woodlands Riverside Fuchun Siling Evergreen Woodgrove Woodlands Ring NorthE `Xinru `Jamie `Cynthia `Yanxia `Siewfen `Jinlin `Ellina `Xiangqing `Sharon `Sherry `Xueqing `Debbie NorthG `Joshua `Yiyong `Lucas `Binhua `Kelvin Khor `Koksoon `Benedict `Junlin `Haowen `Darren `Zonglin `Mingxiang `Jianhao `Junjie `Jonathon `Shenda `Minghui `Waikeong `Branel `Weekiat `Szeyuan Generation to Generations `David Sentosa `Jeremy `Liyan `Kelvin the Ox Tagboard
Exits GENsters Binhua Callista Cynthia DavidH DavidS Debbie Ellina Haowen Jamie Joshua Jianhao Jinlin Junjie Junlin Koksoon Lucas Mingxiang Sharon Sherry Xinru Weekiat Zonglin Archives
December 2009January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 |
Sunday, February 28, 2010
This is what GEN is about
![]() 1. Grounded to the word of God We want to be people that choose to be man and woman of one book. We have taken our first step as an entire GEN to do our ROMANS DEVOTION. :D It was actually made for GEN and by the people in GEN. :D it ended up made for NORTH by GEN 2. Love our relationship with God We are people who treasure this relationship with God above all else. This is because this is not a religion but all about a relationship with God. Once again, we have been doing this through our devotion, shepherding, LG and your leaders random encouragements 3. Influence- light of the world We want to be people that direct the lost back to Jesus through our lives. I'm glad to hear stories of people improving in their studies. On top of that our LG have been able to attract the lost that we have seen Riverside and Christchurch people came to know the love of God. We are in the world but not of the world. This could be evidently remember through our Chinese New year visit where we choose not to gamble 4.Motivation- audience of one This is why we are serving. We live for not others expectation but only God. To put a smile on his face. Matthew5:14 What we have started out to do hasn't change. It's still the same. :D So yes, let's not forget what's GEN is all about. Let's also not stop building churches in woodlands! :D hoe ![]() ![]() Labels: GENGLIM Gym
Hey GENsterslooks like gangsters but that's not the point XP . Woohoo! today was a tiring day from HopeKids for 2 people i conclude that 1 thing worse than taking care of kids is taking care of other people's kids XP But it is a joy to serve and see many ppl grow . Anyways, that is not what im typing for today Mr Goh Hao Wen organised to go gym to work out shiok rite? a few of us went there - Haowen, Haoqiang, Wong Jun Jie, Branel and Jericho and guess what we got out with? Towels and more Towels! just kidding as you can see, we are not the fitest in GEN (duh, just look at yi yong) But, nevertheless, with a mindset of keeping fit (not really loosing weight) we went thru.... not hell, but the exercise equipments! and all of us just enjoyed each other's company and jokes tgt . we went home with aching bodies i can feel the strain on my arms and i dunno if i still can carry on typing XP but i really thank God for this family who really goes through so many things tgt . also i just wanna say this thing few mins ago i was just reminded how we were struggling to do what was beyond us we struggled physically to keep fit, to maybe loose weight for some of us but as we keep struggling, our muscles will develop, our fats will be lost (thank God) just like our spiritual life . i know that this is like the thing that you all already know but i was just thinking, are we really struggling? are we struggling with God and with all your heart? if we aren't, who are we to say we have won the battle? who are we to say we have grown? . Like a physical body, you need effort to develop your body (just ask Yiyong) you need to struggle, you need to go beyond your limit, you need to give all you have and more In the same way, in your spiritual life, we have to put effort to grow . this is not something new, but is something that we gotta remind ourselves its not going to be easy imagine lifting a 50kg weight when you are only 45kg not easy, but with God, all things are possible -Jericho Ho. Reminded Thursday, February 25, 2010
![]() Sherry'J (: Jesus our role model. (:
![]() God, im amazed at how Jesus could pray fervently to You. This one question i would really like to ask even myself, "should prayers only be done during service, prayer meets, lifegroups?" or should it be a lifestyle/habit? "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1Thessalonians 5:16 -18). Something that i learned.. was that, we shouldnt get too busy that we dont pray.. Praying is not just another thing we do as a religion, but its a conversation with God. Yet the news about Him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses, but Jesus often withdrew to other lonely places and prayed. (Luke 5:15 - 16) This portrays only one thing to me, even though Jesus had that busy schedule, even though lots of people came to Jesus to be healed.. Jesus often went off to pray. Jesus were never too "busy" to pray to God. so all the more we should pray to God lor. i know whatever im saying doesnt really make sense to you.. but i really hope you would ask yourself, and this was the main purpose why i wanted to post, "have i been praying to God except for times when im facing problems, when its during service, when its during life group and prayer meets?" there may be people who say yes, there may be people who say no. and there may be people who say that, they would sometimes forget. well, i believe that its time to change that mindset of only praying when you need it. haha. so jiayou bah people! Lets remember Jesus as our role model :D Christianity is not just another religion, but its a relationship. Praying is important. (: i know i didnt make the effort to post a wordy blog post because i didnt have the motivation to but ya lor... 加油 Junjie. Wai K and Wee K. Kudos!
Okay, this post goes out to 2 special people in me group :D As mentioned on my blog, they're my FoxHole buddies :D and i'm here to say... THEY ROCK !!! why ?? who ?? let me answer "who?" first. They are none other than Wee Kiat !!! and Wai Keong !!! WHY ??? Wee Kiat- firstly made my day today (24/2/2010) as i walked to school i read a message from him which he sent at 1am. making a commitment, not only to himself and to God, but also to ensure Growth of Riverside NewBs and himself too !! THEN , he showed me his heart and responsibility as a shepherd, to help Sze Yuan to be a salt and light in school and family. When you're faithful with little God gives ya more, and he has definetly been faithful with you, Jia You WEE KIAT !!! YOU ROCKS !!! :D (not pebble :P ) Next Up is WAI KEONG !!! man, you take up the challenge when asked, you're faithful with what you have, and you've also given your BEST the past few weeks though without luck, and now you see the fruits of your seed :D learning and improving in short periods of time.. i salute you man :D Being Willing to be used, giving your BEST and being FAITHFUL, GOD has definetly blessed you, continue to give your best man :D your works are never in vian !! :D My FoxHole Principle: Buddies who Willingly give their Best and Never Give Up no matter the circumstances and Walking With God :D Man Of God, Who Are Clear Of Their Personal EndPoint, And Making Biblical Decisions Out Of Reverence. -Dave S Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Yay I love God! :D
![]() -Jamie(: some photos to show how fit your leaders in GEN are
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hello GENsters! :D I had a great deal of fellowship with my GEN LGL life group today at Marsiling Community center( i don't even know it exist in the first place) and also we went to woodlands checkpoint after that for a meal and all. It ended up with Mountain Dew on Joshua leg! If you want to see more of those candid photos, go and view my face book and comment all you like! :D hoe Labels: LG Monday, February 22, 2010
i can't imagine life with you!
![]() I happened to see the above picture of wee kiat and wai keong when i was browsing for some photos just now. It just happened to caught the attention of my naked eye for a few seconds. For that, both of you have successfully charmed my eyes for few seconds of my life. Good job! Anyhow, i heard both of you have taken on a noble task of being a follower upper! Anyhow, it's really something honorable because this will put your love for God and his people to test! But fret not, for God is always cheering you on and we are here to build disciples of Christ with you both! :) Anyhow, it would be tough (or even you might be encountering it now) but keep praying, doing your best and never give up because God has never given up on us! So yes, to this two new follow uppers who took on such a noble task, i just want to say that we are cheering you on! In doubt, please dial 333 (JER33:3) then your leader/shepherd number. If you can't get them or you feel like jumping queue you can dial 91793243. :) My sexy number! And yes, be a word centered follow upper! Things won't be always easy, but you just got to cling on to what his word say! Ha.. I'm just so glad to have 2 new brothers serving along side with me. :) smile! - BTW THIS WAS TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. IT JUST CAME OUT LIKE THAT. ![]() okay! the limelight here obviously belongs to the one who needs light. JERICHO. He's so black, burnt, oxidized, complete combusted and over heated but not very hot (joking). I just want to take this time to appreciate this LG family member of mine! Thank God for you for putting up the reminders on GENG LIM (thanks to Jamie who somehow gave us this Chinese name :) ). Appreciate the effort given! So all GENG LIM LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, let's be supportive and sign up for what you can! Oh yeah, speak of signing up i heard ELLINA, SHERRY AND JIAN HAO will be dying soon. :( so sad, but i don't really care. DIE FASTER CAN. (if you don't get the implied meaning please kindly get your FU/SHPD to explain water baptism to you) :) ![]() So YI YONG AND JERICHO I JUST WANT TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT FOR THE FACT THAT YOU GUYS HAVE DONE A GREAT JOB BY CARRYING THE TEAM LOAD TOGETHER. :D BTW, I JUST STARTED ON TWITTER! :D hoe Labels: my loves Sunday, February 21, 2010
Water Baptism & Membership Class
Hi all, you friendly neighbourhood charcoal here againoh no! neighbourhood got friendly charcoal one ar? . hmm maybe me and lucas should name ourselves like charcoal 1, charcoal 2 or something but that's not the point (dun really like it though) . Water Baptism & Membership Class Registration If you want to all these things, please inform our stuff or call 91387720 if you are from NorthE or 94241079 if you are from NorthG Our stuff meaning YOUR lifegroup leaders Registrations ends at 28/2 & 7/3 respectively So please, we seek your cooperation to tell us before 25/2 if you are registering If you are not, well, too bad XP . Criteria for both events - Water Baptism: 1) Has already accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour. 2) Has attended Church & Care Group regularly for at least 3 months. 3) If less than 16 years of age, parental consent is required. Parent must sign and return Consent Form to registration table during day of event. *leaders, please brief them about the significance of Water Baptism - Membership Class: 1) At least a 3-month-old believer. 2) Has attended Church & Care Group regularly for at least 3 months. 3) Must have already been Water Baptised AND Holy Spirit Baptised. 4) Has started to Tithe - For more information, please sms to 92304879 or ask your leaders Thank you for travelling with the GEN Administration Pte Ltd (GAPT) -Jericho Ho Jun Lin Fairy Tales
Hey hey, have you guys ever heard from people that life isn't a fairy tale? well, im sure that i did, or else i wouldnt be typing it out XP but have you guys really thought about it? Is Life a Fairy Tale? . I don't know about you, But apparently i like to think in the toilet a lot But the point is, a few days ago, this came to my brains . Yea, life is not a bed of roses Yea, life don't really have a happy ending (cos apparently its either u live eternally or u die eterally live eternally, u wont have an ending XP die eternally, well, how can it be happy?) so how can it be a fairy tale? . well, i was thinking about it Well, ur life is like a book and you are kind of the writer of the book what you decide to do is kinda written in the book so why so many weird things happen in your book? cos u are only a co-writter XP . muahahahahhaz, i bet some of u are sian diao by that rite? If u haven realised, there must be another person writting the book too and that other writter happens to be the editor also so he kinda got the final say and he kinda got the story board and everything le he still got visuals to show you b4 u write! and its definately a HE . aiya you all know liao lah of cos its God! who else? the answer is smacking at you face! . so, your life is the book you and God are both the writers YOU DECIDE the decisions in your life He plans your entire life (that's why he is the editor) So how you end (or never end), is up to YOU God will make the neccesary editing one . although u still will struggle a lot in life but you still can decide how your life turns out -Jericho Ho Jun Lin Entertainment Tonight
Thing about videos is that,when you're bored, you'll start something as irritating as the "annoying orange" or even your own song/video/talk bla bla bla.. or just play games with your friends.. so here's a clip of what the possibilities can be. :P Thursday, February 18, 2010
by choice
God has made all of us to be a man and woman of his. However, the truth be told is also this:we are only a man or woman by choice. Hoe Labels: man/woman Wednesday, February 17, 2010
its long since i've invaded this place. REMINDER!! LETS INVITE FRIENDS FOR LOVE TAG!!! Woodlands isnt impossible. We make it possible. God makes us more than able. this isnt just another "ra-ra" or "high" post, but i guess we are all laden with a great responsibility. That is to expand God's kingdom. We're a family of God, lets do this together(: Thanks.
Hey. (:right here, right now, at this time and hour, at this date, i really really really wanna affirm someone. affirm this person for encouraging me in ways that, this person reminded me why im here. this person reminded why i am placed in this school. this person taught me my convictions are still important. and "this person" is none other than Theophila Ang Jinlin. (: i know it may sound weird for some of you guys, that Junjie is affirming her all of a sudden. hmm.. actually im not affirming, but thanking, im thanking her for encouraging me today. (: but let me tell you guys that, i've been wanting encouragements for a long time now. because i've been struggling with pioneering schools, i've been struggling with my spiritual life, i've been struggling with alot of things regarding Christ Church, that left a deep burden in my heart that overpowered me. though could be used as motivations, but i made this burden a serious breakdown for me. and as i read her card, it really.. really motivated me. i even prayed and talked to God for a long time seeking for answers. and when i took out this card to read... basically, its really something very awesome. (: thank you! (: and she also reminded me that, im not the only one dealing with a school that is hard to pioneer. but others always could pick themselves up and do what God wants them to do. because they know they are doing it for God, and God place them there. so, ya lor.. i appreciate your card, and i will jiayou de. (: - JUNJIE. YEAH!
![]() One photos says it all! :D Not only I think it was fun but fruitful as well! :D I thought we can paused the ministry button, but we can't. It's in every GEN and HOPE blood about LGLP. LOVE GOD LOVE PEOPLE. :D Labels: I love GEN Tuesday, February 16, 2010
leaders are doctors
![]() This is an undeniable fact; we dignose underlying cause, we fix the problem. Try this show when you are FREE, and be amazed by how DR.House articulate his thoughts. Learn that he is convicted and determined to do right, even at the expense of people's constant disagreement. Thinker indeed. iHEARTrevolutions entertainment
i dont care if you havent watch this you better watch!hahhaa.i recently picked up harry potter to read again. hahahahha. if you listen carefully you can notice funny stuff. hahahahahhahahahahhahaha.. watch it! singing our song~ all day long at horg~~warts theophila Monday, February 15, 2010
the greatest love
John 3:16![]() theophila:D Sunday, February 14, 2010
new year, new look
While most of you are sleeping soundly after a long day of gaining weight ever since North Steamboat event plus your own reunion dinner, I've just edited our blog layout.Firstly, i have to make a disclaimer that I'm a complete noob at such IT stuff hence I just simply follow the 'codes' that i read. Hence, you can see that there are few new stuff on our GENGLIM. Where you will see Generation to Generations where it will be a place where we highlight that who were with us through highs and lows in GEN and have moved on to where they can continue to influence even much more for Christ. :) Next up, you would also see the part where i've included the churches we want to build for Christ. Simply because the church is a place of truth, refuge and community but most importantly it's a venue where there lost can come back to God's unconditional love. Yet, the slightly harsher thing i've done is to only include the links of people who I believe who are running this race with us. (Though i might be wrong). If you are there, you deserved it. However, due to my noob like power if someone is un noob then you can kindly edit the photos and the matthew5:16. The font is horrible. Maybe it would be better to just put a picture or a collage of it! :D That's i don't know how, though i honestly tried. Okay, GEN enjoy your CNY. Remember, God has made us his light. Let's shine for him! BTW DON'T YOU THINK OF TAKING RED PACKETS FROM ME CAUSE I'M STILL YOUNG. :D hoe Labels: new look Thursday, February 11, 2010
hahaha. her results jumped from U to B! that's a not 1, not 2, but 3 grade jump! God is great! when you give God your best and not compromise, God will bless you in all areas, studies included. so as common test draw near for some of us, keep giving God your very best! theophila:D a little appreciation!
whoo la la. while most of you are still in school, my fingers are on this keyboard! Anyhow, i have been enjoying my sleep for the past 2 days because i approximately slept more than 8 hours on both days. Simply because my body told me that i needed rest. In short, i was sick.I was down with diarrhea and fever the night before while sleeping. believe it or not, i shitted on my shorts while sleeping two times. What made this slightly more disgusting was i was too lazy to change my shorts during my first shit on the shorts and i continued sleeping for like 30 more minutes. WHAT A DISGUSTING DAVID HOE YOU GUYS HAVE. Oh for all for all of you who are still in school! let me ask you a science/physics question! WHAT IS A NORMAL HUMAN BODY TEMPERATURE?! guess what? i didn't even know about it. then i had to goggle for it while i was laying on my bed yesterday morning. lol. it's like totally loser. So in short, i was completely flippant to whatever that happened to me. The next amazing fact is, do you know that this is actually a western term -'wind in your stomach'. I didn't even know about that. :/ so in order to check if wind in the stomach was a china or ang mo thing i goggled about it again. my point is, if you are lack of any rudimentary knowledge ask google. He's friendly and always at your service! OKAY MY POINT OF THIS POST IS TO APPRECIATE SOMEONE! ![]() I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS TIME TO APPRECIATE LIAU JIAN HAO, JAMES FOR BLESSING ME WITH POKKA GREEN TEA when i reached 888! :D So dearest sheep, thank God for you for meeting my need! :D okay, anyhow, i'm looking forward to see everyone CNY service tmr and lie lie lie lie lie. :D finally, for all the pastors who are reading this post! I want to encourage you to lead your churches to continue to be the light to your school! only one life it soon will pass, and only what's done for Christ will last. Let's win the world. hoe Labels: thanks Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Hello! here to start affirming people!FIRSTLY! i wanna thank GEN for letting me be the first to affirm! SECONDLY! i wanna thank GEN for serving God and running this race together! ok till then! theophila Monday, February 8, 2010
Hello this post is entitled WRITE SOMETHING HERE! :D So after reading this post, GENsters, You can simply log in with the user name and password and click on edit post and start writing on this post! What can you write about? AFFIRMATIONS! - stop saying ah hoe killing trees. So in order to stop killing trees, we should make full use of this TECHNOLOGY. Write you msg for anyhow! Like: Dear DAVID, I just want to thank God for you for being my handsome leader From HOE TECK CHYE you may BEGIN: Monday, February 1, 2010
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
We're put in situations to build our character. Not to destroy us. -Jamie (: TEAM OFFERING! haha! showing it off to you! haha see la dont join la dont listen to me la ahhhhhh Just wanna remind everyone to be an influence where ever you go, like me, i influence offering people to be high and have a chop chop on their hands! dont know what im talking about? wait... OH and this is what i counted on sat! jealous right! not yours! not mine too! is for the haiti victims! yay! haha alright. remember to go through your days with God ok! :D THEOPHILA! what's running in our blood
I'm not sure if anyone updated this blog! Even if no one did, i understand because of the never ending list of homework (don't believe ask Jin Lin), the love of teachers which makes you stay back (ask Shen Da), the hypnotic spell in humanities lessons always outlast your eye power to not close (ask Jericho), the distraction of dragon boaters (ask xin ru), the breaking of more than a bread but body (ask Jian Hao), the never ending sports competition and hours on sleepless nights (ask Debbie or Yi Yong) and whatever other reasons you have. And yes, mine is the never ending crime rates in the east.But in any case, I just want to air out some thoughts that has been on my mind. I wonder if we have been doing our devotions? If you have, keep it up because you will reap tremendously in your walk with God! Just like good food comes at a price, a strong and vital walk with God, comes with the discipline to spend time with him! If you have not, please take responsibility of your walk with God! Secondly, it's our blood to see be a light for him! :D I want to encourage us to continue to take responsibility of our communities! A church does not happen on Saturday! A church is formed when a group of people like you and me coming together in the name of God and fellowship! So yes, we want to see many churches in woodlands.There are the six hope churches we want to it to be mother churches! There are still other churches we need to plant in woodlands! If the mother churches are not strong, how to give birth to others? Missions doesn't start there, but here and where you are. HOPE WOOLANDS HOPE MARSILING HOPE ADSS HOPE CHRISTCHURCH HOPE FU CHUN HOPE RIVERSIDE HOE Labels: Hope GEN |
May His light shine,
before all men on earth |