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In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
You are the one !

No one can understand me more than you do .
No one can ever satisfy me except you .
No one can ever understands my heart more than you do .
No one could ever know what's on my mind except you .
You're all I ever needed .
Without you , I am nothing !
You are my strength when I am weak .
You are my solutions when I'm doubtful .
You are always here to carry me up when I fall .
Seeing me through every single day of my life .
I'm so grateful to have you loving me so deeply .
You are my everything !
Lianna ;D

Sunday, January 24, 2010


GEN Entertainment Today

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Fill The Pasture.

To you, I promise ...

To lead you not to myself, but to Christ.

To love you, just as Christ would.

To feed you the word abundantly.

To exemplify biblical living and rbing you along with me.

To encourage you to dream big and attempt great things in God.

To pray for you everytime - 'nuff said.

To share my lfe with you in all honesty.

To avail myself to you in every season.

To correct you and not to compromise any values - so that you will grow.

To believe in the best in you, and see that side of you when others don't.

To keep watch over your life, never interfering but always guiding.

To be your friend who runs alongside you, and not to dominate over you.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am really thankful for God placing so many great and awesome friends in my life, giving me so much memories. I really wish that i will bring home great and even more memories in this land of woodlands.

People who acknowledge that you're part of gen, please go down to 888 and spend more time together cause we are one big family. We cannot let our small part of organ(people in woodlands) to die down(lost connections). It always take two hands to clap ! So so please make effort to come down and fellowship tgt ! I'm sacrificing my risk of transport fee exploding again to come down to fellowship,so can you (:

Jiayou Woodlands ! I believe that we can bond closer as a family !
Lianna :D

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

had an AWEESOMEE~ dance pract just now(: its the 汗流浃背 kinda pract. oooh im lovin' it(:

anyway, as i was on the train just now listening to "The voice of truth", God just reminded me that true liberty comes with us trusting God fully.

sec4 life has not really been easy for me. at least, i dont expect it to be easy for the next few months till the O's come. i had been living with this fear of "everything is ready to crumble down on me if i dont work my ass off" since the week before 2010. sooooo, i started planning for what i can do, how much time do i have, how much effort is needed for all those "activities" i had. BUT, after planning everything, i know in my heart that NOTHING will turn out good (though i know what i had to do and what is expected of me)
so then, and only then (how stupid of me) i started to pray and ask God for directions.
one of my new year resolution was to sleep BY 11PM EVERYNIGHT cause i know how much i can bear and God definitely knows too.
and 3weeks of school has passed, and not one day did i sleep after 11.30pm ! this is not to show how good my life is, but rather, God is faithful! i remember having left a pile of maths hw aft dance pract, and when i reached home, its 10pm. so i prayed that God will HHEEEELLP MEEE, and i finished everything in 45mins flat. and that story's just one of the many i had experienced when i chose to commit to God really everything i have(:

and he multiplied.

jiayou GEN, we can do it
xinru, beatrix.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
green pasture

A land filled with greens, but where are the sheep?
The sheep will start to populate the greens.

Calling all shepherds and shepherd to be (If you are not sure, ask your UL)!
This coming FRIDAY 22ND JANUARY 2010 will be our first ever FTP meeting!


So yes, if you are invited to FTP. Let's meet at 5PM in 888 KFC and we shall set off to Kok Soon house! We will be there from 530pm-730pm! So yes, some of the FTP people have CCAS, so rush down after your CCAS.

Once again:
VENUE: Meet at 5Pm 888 KFC
TIME: 530PM-730PM

The land is so green, but it's time to fill it in with living things.



Monday, January 18, 2010

i think this two photos are funny..
everyones looking up, but there's nothing up there. (:

Ha ha! waikeong's funny laughter. (:

The winner of GEN's first ever limited edition GEN t-shirt.

The winner of GEN's ever first amazing race.

I deem this photo as the most fabulous one. :D
because of the sunset. (:
God is telling us to be a guiding light that shines. (ADSS motto, GEN's vision)


Sunday, January 17, 2010

I just wanna say, over this whole week of going over to 888 KFC, i've really enjoyed the fellowship there, while walking home and all. It's like, KFC is our territory already!
So let's not give up going to 888, and enjoy the fellowship there!


Friday, January 15, 2010
new bag

A saying goes.. 1old idea+1old idea=1new idea
As requested: here you go. with just a little creativity..

Try it yourself (:
A limited edition GEN bag, with LOL team faces drawn.
iHEARTrevolutions -Josh.

Monday, January 11, 2010

an abstract from davidhoe.wordpress.com

It has been long since I last walked through the park and interceded as if time had stood still. You do not need to know the content of the prayers, but for one thing that I’m certain of is that My God has heard my prayers.

Though it may seem to be an endless chant of prayers but deep in my heart I know that he is moving beyond my wildest imagination.

So God, I know I’m heard and I wait in expectation for your power to continue to move through myself as your instrument.

I wrestle in prayer over yours souls, but he wrestle his life for yours. Hence, though it was a few minutes I know this isn’t really a big sacrifice in comparison. But you mean a lot to me and his love. Individually, name by name I prayed.

For GEN I prayed. GEN, how should i say? but i prayed that we will have the courage, toughness, learning to find strength in him to go through our daily troubles with God.

Truth be it is this, as your LAO BAH I'm really helpless at most of the time to help you. I really want to grow with you, but i can't seem to bring you out of your emotional traps. Hence, i ask of the Lord to give you the strength and courage to go through life with Him.

As a family, we don't just want to be known as fun. But I want each and every GEN to know that they are serious about a love relationship with God and bringing the lost back to his love.

So my dearest GENsters, would you please stand up and go through our life with God together and this family? You know who you are, and I know who I am.

I don't come from a point that I'm extremely spiritual, I struggled as well. Struggle to love, hope, heal, believe but i know that my God will never fail me so I keep holding on.

GENesters, if you are still floating, can i ask of you to ask God for courage or whatever you need to walk with him?

Let's grow together, I do not want to leave anyone of you behind.

and i mean it.


Let mine be a subset of yours. :)


Sunday, January 10, 2010



I WANNA POST hahaz i like a nth to do liddat

anyways, just wanna start by saying

i dun wanna call u ppl who are baptised by ur given names already
dun have the feel
its like
like u noe wad does kok soon mean liddat
in chinese is Guo Sun rite?
i think.. should be lah
wad does it mean?
I noe Aaron mean high mountains.. or something
last time i check in dictionary.com with him one hor, mai siao siao
but cant find a dictionary.com for his chinese name XP
u think i noe wad jun lin means meh?
i oni noe Jun means handsome oni
other than that, i dunno le

hahaz, but that is for mi ^^anyways, this is not the reason why i wanna post

i was inspired to post from just now
way b4 i cut my toe nails, way b4 i bath, way b4 walked to my house gate and open the door
its even way b4 i was on the bus home
i was inspired by...
wad i saw when i was walking back to the basket ball court near 888 to give the 3 ppl who are wearing orange their mirinda orange drink
joke rite?

hahaz guess what i saw
i saw a vr beautiful lady walking on the street holding on to a...
no lah just kidding
the oni thing so beautiful that will attract me is guitars ^^
but wad really inspired me to post this ridiculously long post was...
the stars in the sky
joke rite? singapore how to see stars?
ok lah that part dark enuf to see

so wad? stars oni wad.. they are just firey thingy that float in the middle of nowhere
who cares about them?
but sometimes do u wonder
why are there stars in the sky?
we all noe that God on the 3rd day put stars in the sky to give light in the night
BUT in Singapore, our light supply is so awesome that i can see myself from where im sitting
(duh, the lights in my room are switched on)
so what does stars serve as rite now?

well, it serves as a romantic background for me and my future wife's wedding photo in the distant future ^^
sry, got carried away (there's a thing between me and stars.. or is it stars and 'romantic'?)

Coming back to why i post this ridiculously long post, it serves as a teachable moment for you when u see this ridiculously long post ^^

I still can remember when i was still living in AMK (Woohoo! AMK!)
whenever my mom or dad drive my family out to have dinner (we only had a van)
after dinner, i would lie down on the middle seats and look up to the night sky
i see... stars
vr beautiful stars..
and a moon which has no link to this post
but what i love is the whole picture

from where u are sitting, look up. what do u see?
u see your ceiling (duh.. stupid joke hahaz)
take a look outside ur window, what do u see?
for my case, buildings all surrounding
looking up from my window, i see the sky

BUT we all know that there are stars out there somewhere here and there
why? why do we know that there are A LOT OF stars out there?
scientists can say that it is proven that there are over dunno how many billions of stars out there
well, they can because they have big telescopes
physics students can say that there are dunno how many billions of stars out there
well, because they have their astronomy text books found in Popular
I can say that there are stars out there
BUT, i dun have a huge telescope, or a text book bout astronomy
i dun even have a small telescope
All i have is my faith
Faith that when i look at the night skies
i look beyond the skies and say
"hey, there are beautiful stars out there in this universe somewhere just that i cant see it"
but the point is:


In the same way
when u keep saying u cant do it, u cant do it
or u cant make it
or there is no God
or i am alone
or whatever it is that u noe that u noe that U NOE that U KNOW
that u nid more faith in that particular thing
look beyond the sky
know that there is hope
(stars give out light-> light reminds me of hope)
there may be darkholes out there
but definately, there are stars

even if one day
become blackholes
Im still gonna have faith and find the other stars
Not because i know God is going to give me a romantic wedding photo in the future
but because, the nearest star to us is the sun
and if the sun is still standing, there will be others still standing


Is something that u can choose to have
It's something you can grow in

If i were ever to make a quote in my whole entire handsome and...
i really dunno what does the Lin in my name means
This would be my quote:
"Look beyond the skies and see the stars out there"
-Jericho Ho Jun Lin

i spend 2 min in the toilet being inspired by it while bathing de leh ^^
cant believe it
my hair is dry already
when i started posting it was wet XP
anyways, i bet u guys will be blind after reading this post
because i cant help typing so long XP
hahaz ending here ^^
-Jericho Ho, the city of palm trees...
with vr romantic night skies cos got many many stars ^^

What do you wanna see? the Darkness of the sky, or the light of the stars

I've got something to share! (:
something really great happened to me when i almost lost my ezlink card. :D
and it is something to add on to what i said before about the stillness of the heart to know that God is God.
there is also something about the stillness of the mind to listen to God.
as told in the book of Love beyond reasons.
and something cool happened, it was only when i kept asking God what he was trying to tell me by putting me in soo many weird situations, that i finally understood what He wanted to tell me through that book.
and it was true that my mind always had the thought of "what will happen later?" "what will the person beside me do?" and all those random thoughts.
but with so much thoughts in my head...
its getting so hard to even hear what God is telling me.
there's simply too much commotion in my head that i couldnt focus on what God is trying to say.

Hehe, doesnt make much sense?
so to sum it all up, im just simply saying that when we are asking, give your attention to God.
Only when you have your attention on God, then you will notice God.
thats just what i learned.
Yunian from west if i remember, told us before that we dont notice a person's presence only when we are not paying attention to that person.
likewise, we do not notice what God is saying simply because we are not paying attention to what God is saying?
haha amen? i dont know, but one thing im sure of is that im gonna give in to God.
im gonna surrender myself to God, and open up my ears and eyes for God.
but im not opening up the eyes and ears of the body, im opening up the eyes and ears of my heart and my mind. (:
thats all. should be correct i think. :D
*I dont have much confidence in what i say -.-*



guess who's here to post!
i just wanna say that...
God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore! He's unchanging alright!her
and im so amazed by how God always arrives at the right time to save the day.
i thought i lost my mp3 and i searched everywhere for it but couldn't find it. but after praying and being very desperate, i found it! :D
praise God!:D


Saturday, January 9, 2010

I wondered..

What exactly is my best?
What is commitment to me?
What am I here for?
What the world is becoming?

Have we thought about these questions ever? If not, let's start thinking now. The world, is so big. Yet, there are so little things we can do. However, what we can do now, is to influence the people around us. Be it through our studies, life, actions, or anything. Will we stop the world from becoming worst? Or will we, become part of the world? Are we desperate enough, to start changing the WORLD, by changing OURSELVES? How long as it been, since we stop, and look at the world, and not just our lives.

Let our lives illuminate for God

With our lives

Surrender our lives to God, and obey Him. It's easier said to be done, it's something we can only go through alone. The truth is, will we choose to obey Him even though we know that it isn't going to be easy? Surely, one day with God, is more fruitful and enjoyable than anything else. Since Jesus died for us, let us surrender our lives to Him. What God tells us to obey, is not only for His Kingdom's sake, but for our own growth, our own maturity. Let us be more selfless, let God's will to be done, and not what we want.

Worship God forever, not with our mouths, not with words, not during Praise & Worship. Worship God, with our lives - how do we live our Christian life in school, in our family, around our friends? Express our devotion, love for God, not only by raising our hands, surrendering, but also to do something in our lives, influencing people all around us. If we see something is not right, do something with our actions, not just say it.

WORSHIP, not with WORDS, but with our LIVES.

Let our lives illuminate for God

Friday, January 8, 2010
Letter to LOL from ME :D ds.

Hey all :D
just wanna start off by saying..
I MISS YOU GUYS.. (not girls...lol..jokin)
anyways..i'm really scared for my O level results .. cuz..
cuz i just had a dream which turned out to be a nightmare about it :D
and it was in the hotel in Paris :D haha..
anyway..LOL i got stuff for you guys :D
here's a sneal peak :D

Don't worry MingXiang,WeeKiat and WaiKeong, i got stuff for u guys too :D

David Sentosa WAS HERE :D

GEN gen gen gen

GEN GEN GEN GEN. try saying that in the Chinese way. That four sound?! I don't know what you call that but just that four sound. GEN GEN GEN GEN.

Okay, I'm here to officially declare that I LOVE TO EAT RP FOOD. like seriously, it's CHEAP.
Not that I'm a cheapo, though my actions are but it's cheap and nice! :D don't you just love cheap and big quantity of food? I haven't eat till my satisfaction level go bonkers! Alright, enough said i think all GEN members must eat at RP western one day! Chicken Chop! CHOPPPEEE...

Randomly I was elated today because we get to use A ROOM IN RP! for meetings and studying! Cool right? For those who were there will comprehend! Like Sharon, Jin Lin, Xin Ru, Debbie, Joshua, Wei keat, Wei Loong and Jia Jun would enjoy the serious studying and joking session!


Anyhow! some important dates for all GENSTERS TO TAKE NOTE OF! i wonder can anyone do a calendar and put it on our blog? something like our church bulletin! But maybe as a post? cause i seriously can't!

13th Jan: JIN LIN DAY



Thursday, January 7, 2010
Appreciation !

I want to take this time to thank God for allowing me to know you guys. You guys have been so fun loving and friendly bunch of people. You guys have made me realised the true meaning of qing2 tong2 shou3 zhu2. Being there and help one another whenever they are stress or even when they have problems. Having this family bonding that you guys had, really makes me wanna open up to you guys and have fun together with this woodlands group. And thanks for accepting me for who i am even though there are times i brought up some past. I really pray that time will allow this group to bond even closer and grow together in the Kingdom of God ! Lastly, wanna remind you guys to surrender your all to God. Because only God can help you to grow the best out of you ! Jiayou everyone ! Spiritual life is much more important than anything else (:

Lianna ;D

heart this family

Hello my inextinguishable family and love that resonates and burns in my heart! :D GEN GEN, I LOVE YOU ALL!
Alright, firstly want to declare that I'm relatively DEPRESSED because i can't seem to find a perfect photo to fit my desktop! ISBAEL CAN YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?! OR ANYONE THAT HAVE A DXL.

however, i shall not fleet over some beloved photos! Anyhow, I just want to take this time to share about God's faithfulness in Jian Hao and my Christchurch outreach today! I remember saying this to God though both of us were famished while finding for some lost sheep, 'God, if you don't give me anyone I won't go!' Guess what? God answered our prayer and we found two lost sheep that looked like tiger today. They were like worse than YIYONG PLUS JUNLIN PLUS XUE YONG PLUS ELLINA PLUS XIN RU PLUS LI YAN PLUS WHOEVER THAT YOU THINK ARE FIERCE PEOPLE. But then after approaching them, they were super friendly! Though relatively LOUD.


Alright, i also want to take this time to affirm our beloved THOMAS SIA. My goodness did you know that this little mad lover of God is going to wear RIVERSIDE UNIFORM TMR TO GO IN THE SCHOOL AND HAVE PRAYER MEET! AND HE'S NOT EVEN IN RIVERSIDE BUT EX WOODLANDS SEC STUDENT! Thomas, keep it up! Continue to encourage us man! :D

Last but not the least, I want to give it up for all those who make effort to make this family like one! I'm so glad that SHERRY ELLINA BIN HUA KS AND A DOG WERE HAVING FELLOWSHIP just now with CHINESE. :D Let's continue to catch up more with each other after school and all! :D BTW, let's not forget about people in our life group!Especially since most of our life groups are relatively big!

Okay, let's catch up more often! I'm heading off to continue doing my stuff!




Tuesday, January 5, 2010
First Experience

Today Was My First Day Outreaching With God At Riverside. It Was Super Duper Dangerous Outreaching There, You Can Die Outreaching There, Hahas! Although I Was Alone Due To The Rest Of The Riverside Team Either Oversea Or Still In Their Classrooms As They Are All Upper Sec, These Made Things Rather Awkward But Thank God I Had The Courage To Outreach To The Peeps There. I Had A Plan For Outreaching And Certainly, That Plan Sure Had Lots Of Loop Holes. Firstly, I Wanted To Outreach Everyday At Riverside But I End Up Finding Out On The First Day, School Ended Early And I Woke Up Thinking It Was Still Early But Yet Receiving An Message Saying School Ended Long Ago, Which I Was Like,WAIKEONG!!YOU CHEAT MY FEELINGS!!XDHAHAHA! Secondly, I Wanted To Wake Up Early And Do Lots Of Stuff!But...LOL..hehehe..Woke Up At 12 Plus, Just Enough Time To Pray And Reach The School..Sad...hahahha. (If You Dunno Why Am I Laughing Like Some Crazy Person Ask My LifeGroup People Or Me..xD)..I Reached The School, Prayed For The Salvation Of The School Peeps And Strength From The Lord. And The Moment Came, The Supposely To Be Only Lower Sec De, Came Out, Then My First Prayer Was, God, Give Me Emo Kid.Amen.xD. Then Really Got Emo Kid Lehh, Thank God, Waa, I Tell You All Arr..Riverside De People Walk Like Superman Like That, I Was Rushing Towards The Emo Kid Not Walking, Hahas, Then Somemore Till The Part Where I Need To Cross The Road Then I Finally Reached The Guy,THEN..I REALISED WAIKEONG CHEAT MY FEELINGS AGAIN. THE GUY WAS SEC4.But Nvm Uhh..Everyone Needs Salvation..I Was Being Really Friendly And The People I Outreached To May Sometimes Reject Me. But I Know One Thing, God Lives In Me, I Have The Courage, Faith And Strength To Go On Despite Anything, I Was Really Happy To Be There Outreaching As I Was Firstly Obeying God's Word, I Get To Serve God In A Way And God Can Use Me, God Rocks, Amen. Anyways, You Guys Know Why I Say Go Riverside Outreach Will Die Or Not, Cause Firstly, You Would Get Heatstroke From The Sun, That Place Is Hot, Because I Am There..xDSecondly, You Would Get Heartattack, Cause Riverside De People All Like Athlete, Walk Like Jog Like That. Lastly, Students There Don't Like To Walk Far To Take The Traffic Light Then Those You Plan To Outreach To One Would Suddenly Run Across The Road Then You Would Cross The Road Out Of Desperation And Need To Watch Out For Car, Next Thing You Know, Contact Gone...HENCE, PEOPLE, CAREFUL ABOUT OUTREACHING AT RIVERSIDE, VERY SCARY DE THE PLACE..But At The End Of The Day, I Just Wanna Thank God For Everything, Pray This Would Happen More Often, Heh..12Contacts By This Friday, Jiayou Thomas:) If I Can Do It So Can All Of You, Lets Jiayou In Reaching Out To Peeps And Never Forgetting Why Are We Doing All These.Riverside Here I Come!


ok!!! xinru saw too many nan3 ren2 post in this blog and made me very nan2 ren3.
i just wanna say....
JIAYOU everybody! we are all being molded in different areas now, but we are becoming more and more like JESUS!
so press on!!




9Jan - NorthG Service (DressCode: White, may not necessarily be polo tee)

13Jan - Jinlin's and Shengda's Birthday
28Jan - Debbie's birthday.
* Write Cards.

30Jan - Shepherds Meeting (think so...)


Monday, January 4, 2010

Mutiply by 3.

I have decided that I will go make friends with at least one Sec 1 everyday!
Though I know quite impossible, because I not that sociable. ._.
But I will give my best for God! Chiong ah. Haha.

- Jamie

Yay~ share with you guys about God's greatness and faithfullnes..
God answered my prayer during my tiring work today! :D
i worked from 12pm noon till 11pm night.
it was a long 11hours work for 66bucks and there were actually no time for breaks.
and it was so tiring that i had to eat rice with sauce for lunch only.
because everything they cooked were meat, but i dont eat meat. -.-
so i was still hungry, and i lead the grace with Rebecca today.
i prayed that God would help us with our work today.
i prayed that He would not give us an easy job, but an enjoyable one, so we could enjoy fellowship even during work.
and wow, God rocks!! :D
when the second job at 6 started, Bingjun were initially assigned to work at the 2nd floor while rebecca and i work at 4th floor.
and it turns out, both of us were serving 3 tables together. :D
and even better, God suddenly made Bingjun pop out of no where to work at the 4th floor as well!
3 people who went to work together really worked together. (:
and God really answered my prayer, we could all worked together and fellowship,
and also we had a fun day..
though we worked for 11 hours..
the job was not easy, but it was not stressful as well.
it was more of fun. (:
im glad i worked there today.
but next job would be oriental Meltz. :D
morning SHIFT!! :D
so God is great! God is cool! and God is awesome. (:
thats all

working in the name of God. :D

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Fighting circumstances alongside with God

here is a light note to all those whose school term is resuming:

Always remind ourselves that we are christians happened to be a student, never the other way round.

[Matthew 15:13-15] Time for the next generation to rise, and show the world what is it means to be a christian. Let's win woodlands for Jesus. Kudos (:

iHEARTrevolutions -Josh

obedience vs sacrifice

Why does the word of God says that obedience is more pleasing than a sacrifice?

Sacrifice is anthropocentric; which means it is translated from a man-centered view. With this understanding in mind, sacrifice differs from people to people, age to age and not missing out, the different kind of motivation that compels us. In short; what may seems to be a sacrifice to me might not inflict the same amount of pain as compared to my friends.

However, the truth is this: if we are bent on serving with the motivation by the audience of one, then it doesn't it makes sense to obey the one and only person? Jesus. Which in turns promises you from the most definite instruction to the most wonderful reward?

Furthermore, who says that we can smoke through the crossroads of sacrificing? I honestly believe in this: you can sacrifice without obeying, but you can never fully obey without sacrificing.

God, you are indeed a thinker.

iHEARTrevolutions -Josh

two oh one ten

Kudos to Isable for uploading those photos! Goodness, I was laughing at one of the photos when Joshua stood out from the rest? Can you see it? He's like seriously lost!

In any case, I just want to take some minutes or seconds from all your life to read the following!

2009 has been a redefining year for entire woodlands where we had to find our own identity and after getting comfortable with it and we started growing. Though it was not certainly a painless process, but it's a process that shaped everyone up to know what does it mean to be a child of God. So if you are still in the midst of finding, no worries! Add oil! :D

I'm glad and proud of people in GEN for the fact that all of you choose to live a life that struggles but still come back to his love. So GEN, let's continue to keep what really defines us.


So for this coming year as we continue to keep our identity as GEN, let's grow together in the three areas that simply goes FOR WHAT SIA?!

This year, let's take initiative to build friendship with each other in GEN. There's no this is NORTH E OR NORTH G group exclusivity in friendship but we are GEN. So yes, choo each other out for basketball, soccer, movies, supper, lunch, shopping and anything else. Choo me out too!

We want to continue to expand out wineskin and build new wineskin to contain the wine. All of us have talents somehow or another, let's use it for the kingdom of God.
I said this countless number of times, but if you asked me to give you reasons to why we should serve God. I'm afraid to tell you that I don't have many but only one.

The fact that Jesus died on the cross is H GOOD ENOUGH reason

Let's be faithful with all that God has given. Meaning, do your homework, shepherd our sheep, be faithful to the friendships in our life group and whatever you can think of.
Challenge is that as GEN we want to improve in being a group that's never late!

So let's FOR WHAT SIA!




God of my days

I'm not here for a long post but just a question for you guys.

Who/What is the God in your life?
Is he the everything in your life or just a part of it?

We are God's everything.
God shares his joy and happiness with us.
God cares for each and everyone of his child like how a parent cares for their only child.
God wants to go through life in every aspect with us.
God will not dump you aside no matter how worthless you are, no matter how sinful you are.
God will always have his arms open wide for you.
God is always there.

~Wee Kiat

Saturday, January 2, 2010
How Could I Live

( Can't find better quality )
We can't live without God, He is the one that heals us, clean us of our sins and set us free. His love is greater than anything and all we need in our lives is God. When Jesus was on the cross, He was paying for OUR wrong doings. You are able to read this because of God's Mercy, God's Grace and his LOVE for us. Without God's love for me during these few days, I think I would have gone crazy, but because I know that God is with me and He will make a way, I have HOPE. I know that now we are feeling down, feeling stress for whatever reasons, but I just want to tell you guys that no matter what you are facing now, God is with you. So when you can't stand it any more, pray to God and ask for help, and He will help you.
And lastly,

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in devil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protect, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.


Problems? Hardship? God is the answer.

lol, i know Binhua has already posted this, but i really wanna post it as well.
as i was walking to 888 KFC to meet the others to do their homeworks, i decided to listen to songs on my I touch.
and i suddenly had the urge to press this song to listen.
and it shocked me, wow, God's power is at work, lol.
the first few sentences of the song is the answer !!!!
so what if we fail?
so what if we experience hardships?
so what if the problems are hard to resolve?
are we gonna run away and give up?
i dont believe that we should, i know that some of you guys may not think that God is the answer.
but let me tell you that He is.
No matter what happened, God's light had always been shining upon us.
think about it, have you guys ever face problems so hard you felt like giving up but you solve it in the end?
what was the outcome?
Did you learn anything?
i dont know about you guys, but this is what i found out.
even if you run away from the problems, the problems still remains but you just didnt notice it.
and God only want the best for us, he gave us tests not because he wants to watch us suffer, but he wants us to grow.

Ultimately, it all comes down to one word which is faith.
this is one thing Junlin reminded me of during the prayers.
why do you not believe that God is greater?
i believe you have to ask your self that.
i know myself that everything that i said wasnt good.
i just hope that you guys could think of why you do not believe in God's greatness?
what do you feel will happen if you run away?
what do you think will happen if you succeed? (:

not a very good encouragement huh?
well, i just thought of it last minute. -.-


Friday, January 1, 2010

Ahhh.. I can't sleep. And keep thinking of this thing..
Er.. just to share a blessing.
I am really SHOCK that Siew Fen accepted Christ lo..
Cause when the first time I ask her to come for service. (very long ago)
She was very cold towards everyone lo..
She don't want to answer anyone lo..
And I don't know what to do lo..
And I felt like killing myself lo.. haha!
But.. I never give up on her to accept Christ.
I also not sure why..
maybe it was because I remember that God also never give up on waiting for us.
He keep waiting for us just to have a relationship with us. So just want to tell you all..
Don't give up on the person you are working on .
Keep jiayou-ing and not give up :D


I can't stand it any more but to post this

Wake Up People!!!!!!!

kok soon and binhua

From the bottom of our hearts

Again the same two person force me to post this.

If u guys did not know from the inside out means from the bottom of our hearts.
We need to love God from the bottom of our hearts
God will help us no matter how many times we fail,we just have to ask for help from Him.
God will make a way when nothing seems right.
Let God take over your heart and you will experience His love .
Do things that will bring God fame do not bring shame to His name.

When i was listening to this song over and over again something pop up in my heart and head.

Wake up the World

Bin Hua

The second chance we have gain

I was force by junjie and koksoon to post here not that i dun wan to post here but i shy lah.

We are redeemed and change by God's Love,Grace and Mercy.He felt the weight of our sins carried the cross.we do not only have two chances we have millions of them.
We do not need huge,big faith but we need strong faith a faith that cannot be destroyed easily to move moutains and change lives.
Nothing can beat the love of God it is a love that never fails or change.
