In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16
Grounded; to the word Love; your relationship with God Influence; a light that shines Motivate; audience of one To build His Churches in the following schools this generation that will reach out to other generations; Christchurch ADSS Marsiling Woodlands Riverside Fuchun Siling Evergreen Woodgrove Woodlands Ring NorthE `Xinru `Jamie `Cynthia `Yanxia `Siewfen `Jinlin `Ellina `Xiangqing `Sharon `Sherry `Xueqing `Debbie NorthG `Joshua `Yiyong `Lucas `Binhua `Kelvin Khor `Koksoon `Benedict `Junlin `Haowen `Darren `Zonglin `Mingxiang `Jianhao `Junjie `Jonathon `Shenda `Minghui `Waikeong `Branel `Weekiat `Szeyuan Generation to Generations `David Sentosa `Jeremy `Liyan `Kelvin the Ox Tagboard
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Just one random post
Yo ppl! hahazim not here to post any vr spiritual post i oni here to disturb you guys only anyways, this week vr cool we like celebrating so many things at 1 time wah like never ending party liddat hahaz, i dun mind lah if i got the money anyways, i really wanna affirm Kelvin TAN Guan Yu a few reasons y i highlight the surname actually oni 2 reasons there are 3 kelvin in our groups currently WOOHOO! the other reason being... its fun to hold ctrl den press i, u and b! ok that's just random anyways, wad i wanna affirm him about is him being a spontaneous person when we disturb him i noe its not easy for ppl to get disturbed for dunno how many 100 of times for one day well, he asked for it lah, but he could have reacted in an impulsive way which he usually would but i've really seen him grew to control his temper and everything so, really he is not 100% changed, but he is a growing organism and also he dun really likes his family his perspective of his family isnt vr gd but guess wad? he still does his best to honour them he wanted to go to ITE (for his own reasons which i cant reveal in public) and as his shpd, although i didnt have the time to sit down with him to give him a clear understanding wad he is putting at stake i discussed about it but den hor, he nv tell mi the real real reason y he wanna go ITE den the other night at supper after one round of CRAZY TAXI, he called me we discussed about his decision about going to ITE again this time his parents were in the picture yea, his parents asked him to appeal for sec5 cos u go ITE with 11 points when u can go to sec5 is quite killing urself so yea he talked to me about it told me everything he really had to tell me and i really see that he still dun really like his stepdad BUT kelvin still said ok he will appeal for sec5 for next year sry for putting this post to be so long anyways, its not in his comfort zone to listen to his stepdad but he really listened to him and went to appeal for sec5 he really wanna be a salt and light to his family and honour them even when from the bottom of his heart, he dun really like them Kelvin Tan, if u are reading this hahaz dun be shy but i really wanna tell you this you may not be the person that i wanna hang out with you may not be the person that i prefer to shpd you may not be the sheep that i can tolerate but you are the person that i enjoy seeing growth in hey man, jia you u can do it de anyways just to end off this super long post if anyone wanna enjoy the thrill of his/her life time ask david hoe to drive u from yishun to woodlands or even better, to marsiling its even better than roller coaster! because u get to see other cars! hahaz ending here -Jericho Ho Jun Lin i dont know whether i should do this, i dont know whether i should say this. but in the end, i feel that i should. Love, i've been reading this book Love beyond reasons eversince DavidHoe gave it to me. and i've said this before, "True Love = Sacrificial Love". but there are also "Sacrificial Love = Double Sacrificial Love". i know your mind must be saying "huh?". so let me explain. when you love someone, you are willing to give right? if lets say someone has some problems that s/he cant go through alone. if he were to tell you, you as his friend will choose to help him. so you are willing to skip whatever events you are gonna have later so you could go and help him. but that person were afraid you might miss out on all the fun because you wanted to help him. and he doesnt want that so he choose not to tell you. See what i mean? Both are Sacrificial Love. but there are two kinds. one is willing to sacrifice so the person could go through his problems together with you. the other is the person is willing to go through this problem alone while you could go and have fun. but the problem is, which one would you choose? who are you willing to be? to tell you the truth, im the one who hope to not tell my friends about my problems and let them have fun. but i would sometimes suffer because of that. (sacrificial love.) so sometimes i would hesitate to tell people about my problems. of course, i would sometimes feel that it is wrong to keep it all to myself but sometimes i just simply dont wish to see people suffering with me. lol i made you guys think.. so wanna start a conversation about this? (: can help one another too. thats all. Junjie. :D and FYI, im not being EMOTIONAL! >.< im just asking you guys only. (: Wednesday, December 30, 2009
We claim we want to save the others. But are we doing much about it?
I was blogging from a LAN shop, so dun be surprise...I was very tired and very sad... I gt more problems wif myself than wif others... One particular problem: Courage to save others and defend God's name... Why was it when peers around me sin, I didnt stop them? Why didnt I have the courage to bring my family members to God? Why didnt I have the strength to speak up for the Lord wen ppl are speaking anti-Christ quotes to me? Why didnt I have the courage and willingness to outreach? Facing tis particular problem, I know it's time for me nt to remain statuos quo. Grow in spiritual courage , willingness and wisdom is wat I, and I believe everyone else need. C'mon man, r we going to wait for the green light to turn on, knowing tat it never will? It's time to make a move, and grow... Kelvin Tan / Mr GX Tuesday, December 29, 2009
His Grace
Wednesday's Sermon By Pastor Jeff Was Awesome,Amen?Hahahas, Thomas Here Again. I Am Just So Reminded Of So Much These Few Days By God. As I Could Recall, On Wednesday, Throughout The Entire Sermon, I Was Really Reminded Of God's Grace And Love For Us. What Reminded Me Was The Words Pastor Jeff Said. As I Can Remember, He Said, God Is Looking At Each And Every One Of You, God Doesn't Look At All Of You As A Group But As An Individual. God Loves And Cares For Us So Much That He Looks At Individuals. If This Isn't Sufficient To Show How Much God Loves Us, John 3:16 Should. For God So Loved The World, That He Gave His One And Only Begotten Son That Whosoever Believes In Him Should Not Perish But Have Everlasting Life. This Is How Great God's Love Is. Hence, I Am Presenting You This Song, This Song Called You Saw Me By Hillsong. This Song Truthly Reminds Me About God's Love And Grace, The Lyrics Are Really Meaningful, A Part Of It Says,..And You Saw Me When You Took The Crown Of Thorns, Your Blood Washes Over Me, Its Simply Amazing And I Really Think All Of You Should Listen To It. North!!!!!Lets Really Cherish This Love Given To Us And Use It To Love Others Out There. Lets Continue To Work Hard Despite The Impossible To Bring Those People Who Are Lost Out There Back To God, Lets Fufill Our Purpose In Christ. God Did Not Chose Us For No Reason. Labels: His Love Monday, December 28, 2009
![]() Hope you guys enjoyed the party as much as I did, and of course, hope you guys enjoyed the gift that you received! :] Let's remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, and we've got the greatest gift of all -- Jesus! :] If you want to see the other pictures, do check out this link. :] (Click the "this") Thanks to all for coming! :] Jeremy LOVE? Attentive? Amen?
Attention.. thats some big word. its one of the most powerful word to a person. because attention... makes one feels like they belong. because attention... makes one feels like they are loved. one thing i can say is that love is attentive. when we love, we pay alot of attention on that person. but somehow, what happened today at the train shows me that people care less about the people around them. but when did Jesus ever pay attention to only a minority of people? Or majority of people? Jesus heal the blind, the lame, the deaf, even those who suffered from leprosy. but have Jesus forsaken them? God had never Forsaken anyone. (Hebrews 13:5) guess you guys already know everything on this verse. God love us, God pay attention to us.. God sees us as individual and tend to our needs. but what have we been giving to God? the "Cold shoulders"? when are we gonna realise God is always with us, even when we do not know it. God words have been surrounding us.. God has been feeding us with Green grasses but yet many do not go to it. because why? they simply just didnt pay much attention to God. i just wanna ask: where has all our foundation gone to? why are we serving God in the first place? are we gonna stand firm and go to God? or are we gonna continue to forsake him compared to how He has always remembered us? listen to the song "Still" it goes: "..........I will be still and know you are God...." are we willing to stand still and pay close attention to God? (: are we willing to know God is God? are we gonna be just "All talk" and "No show"? haha jiayou bah people (: i can see that everyone will be able to do it de :D JIAYOU! thats all! Junjie. If Im wrong can tell me.. yay.. im done ^^ PS. God, please heal us.. please continue to surround us with your love. (: Sunday, December 27, 2009
There's only one difference, between a Christian and the others. It's that we, Christians, pray. We know God, that's why we talk to Him in prayers. No matter how bad things are, we choose to pray, pray so that things will become better. Still, when things are good, we pray, thanking Him about the good things, and sharing life with Him. We are here to praise God! Be happy and rejoice in God, it's a matter of choice - to either be sad, or rejoice in the Lord. In the highest peaks, or the lowest pit, God is still God. And there is still reasons for us to praise Him, to worship, to PRAY. What can stop us from praising, worshipping, praying to God, but ourselves? The reason of Christ dying on the cross for us, is enough reason to worship and praise God. Praise and Worships aren't just songs, aren't just about the lyrics. What matter most, is the HEART. We can sing, with an empty heart, or a heart all out for God. The difference between not connecting ourselves with God, and connecting ourselves with God, is a big and clear one. What does God wants to tell you today? Let our lives illuminate for God ; Kok Soon :) Not Alone
We were never alone while going through all the tough times in our lives. Even though it seems that no one is with us, but let's keep in mind that God, is always there. We may seem down, sad, or even angry, that no one is with us. And I know, it difficult to go through life alone, let's not even say about the tough times. However, since the situations and circumstances are difficult to change, let's start by changing ourselves first. From the inside out, not the outside in, start changing, by knowing that God is with us, carrying us through. Being a Christian definitely isn't easy, but what makes us last, is God. The world may be against us. We know that God is with us all the time, carrying us through. But, let us not only know by our brains, but by our hearts. Only when we gone through the lowest pit, then we will experience the highest peak. Let our lives illuminate for God ; Kok Soon :) I Overcame
Officially Done With This And That. I Always Had An Issue, An Issue Of Pride. I Might Say This Runs In The Family But, Thats Just A Reason. This Pride Issue Always Stayed With Me From Young Until I Came To Know This Person In My Life, Which Is God. I Am Always So Sensitive To Words Said Around Me, It Hurts Me And I Really Got To Admit, I Do Fall To My Emotions But Slowly, I Came To Overcome This Pride And Emotion Issue In My Life With Christ. Of Course I Prayed And Prayed, And God Answered, He Is Powerful In My Life, Yea. Now People Who Knew Me In The Past Would Say, EHH!Mingxiang, Can You Dun Be So Good Or Not? I Would Just React To By Staying Quiet And Smile In Silence. Despite This, There Are Still Times Where I Am Tested, Those Who Say These Do Question Me About Things I Did. I May Have The Choice To Deny The Things They Say And Of Course Thats A Lie, Or Basically Admit It, Cause I Have Nothing To Hide And I Overcame With My Saviour And Of Course, I Did What Was Right. Just Wanna Say, Christianity Is More Than A Religion, Its A Relationship. A Church Is More Than Reading A Bible And Singing, Its A Movement, A Revolution And Life's Are Being Transformed In Every Part Of The World By Churches. We May Not Be Perfect, But We Got Nothing To Hide Because We Overcame With Christ. Because Emmanuel Lives, We Expect Victory Everytime,This Is Called Believe. At The End Of The Day, We Can Say, Devil, You Still Lost In The End. This Is How My Life Have Been Transformed By Life, What About Yours?Labels: So Can All Of You From Thomas To All Of You Saturday, December 26, 2009
Genglim. Isabel. Friday, December 25, 2009
Hey!Thomas Here, I Am Definitely Not Here To Be Irritating But Hahas, I am Here To Thank Everyone:). It Has Been An Year Since I Have Came Back And I Must Say, This Have Been The Most Enriching and Enjoyable Year I Have Ever Gone Through In My Life, God Is Great?Amen. But How Could God's Plan Could Have Worked Without You Guys? You Guys Rock My Life Alright! And I Really Want to take this time to thank each and everyone of you all, you bring forth colors in my life. You all Give Me A Reason To Smile Each Day. I Love Each And Every Of You All And Yet Again Thanks :) Thank You Jesus For This Family That Is Yet So Imperfect But Loving, Pray That All Would Grow Closer And More United As A Group As You Called Each And Everyone Of Us Here, Happy Birthday Jesus And In Your Name, Amen!Labels: Love Ya cynthia wrote us a nice card :D it looks like this Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wake Up The World
No doubt that it's Bin Hua's favourite song. No doubt that it's one of his strong conviction. And will we 'Wake Up The World', by bringing God to people, through our lives? To wake up someone, we need to be awake. It's common sense isn't it. It's the same way for it spiritually. We need to first get ourselves right, before we can even help others, bringing people to open their eyes before God. Let God take complete control, then we'll be changed. And we can bring change to the others. The whole purpose of being a Christian - to bring others to know God. Let's live up to our purpose in life.Let our lives illuminate for God ; Kok Soon :) Tuesday, December 22, 2009
People, can we please live our lives to honor God, to let Him reign in this our lives? I don't think God deserves these kind of treatments and attitudes, He is our GOD, not anything else. Are we taking this God too lightly? Are we treating Him like nothing at all? Why are we here? What are we doing here? The answer is in God, instead, all of our questions are. Will we stop doing things that doesn't please God? Will we please live a life that's salt and light, an example to the world? This world, doesn't need our gossips, our selfishness, our attitudes or our complains, this world, needs God. And will we bring God to this world, through our lives, through our actions? Simply let Him reign, that's all, it's just that simple. God doesn't need us to be full of talents, take up all the leadership roles in school, be the top student, be the best human on earth. He just needs us, to surrender our lives to Him, to drop the past us, and let Him reign. Will we open our eyes, and see how we are now? See how the world is now. Stop being blind, with our eyes closed, and not doing anything. God's power is amazing, but it requires instruments like us. God needs us to be His instruments to influence the world. And what can we do, when we are not right. How can we help the world, when we ourselves needed to be help? Let God touch our hearts, be it through actions, words, songs, anything! Let us feel and know that His presence is with us, things will change for the better. However, we need to surrender, to let His will be done. Will we choose to place our personal desires first? Or will we choose to place God's will first. I know it's not difficult to sacrifice for God, but you know what? We can overcome it, once we know that it's worth it. The reason why we are sacrificing for God. Let God show hope and His glory, through US, not anyone, but us. What's the purpose of our life? We need to find out the answer ourselves, orelse, we are just wasting our life away. Let passion, burn inside our heart. Let God take control, so that things will change, let's rise up, be the change! We do everything, we try so hard, so that we can get people to turn back to God! God is molding us and changing us all the time, are we going to give up halfway through the molding? Or will we choose to go through it with God, and grow, grow to become a better person. Lead the lost back to God, stop DREAMING, start DOING SOMETHING! Are we ignoring this world, and just stuck in our own comfort zone, our own circle of friends? We don't need to see the world be changed to believe that it can be changed. Let's hold faith, faith to believe that each of us will do something, and it will definitely change the world. However, faith alone is useless, do it with actions, show it with actions! Not just say all the things, but DO IT! Are we going to ignore God's calling for us? Are we going to abandon WOODLANDS?! Didn't we all want to shine for Jesus? Didn't we all want to be the city on the hill? Didn't we want to see change in woodlands, to see growth in woodlands? WHAT HAPPENED? Was everything just a fake I saw? Or do we still remember and hold onto it? I can't do anything, I can't force you to do something. I can't force you to realise that the world needs change. And we are supposed to be the change, only if we act like one. WOODLANDS AREN'T SUPPOSE TO BE LIKE THIS. Are we immune to this pathetic state already? Are we contented just with this much? Do we not want to see our schools grow, more friends coming to know God? Do we not want to answer God's calling? Are we going to treat GOD, like God? Are we going to OPEN OUR EYES? Are we going to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN? I can't answer, only you can make the decision. GEN, I'm sorry, but I just can't stand it anymore. I don't want to see woodlands rot away like this. I don't want to see our lives to be like this. Are what we doing now really pleasing to God? We know it ourselves. We are growing bit by bit, kicking up the momentum. Will we stop slowing down the growth and causing us to miss out what God has planned for us already? Let our lives illuminate for God ; Kok Soon :) It Says It All
People are dying everywhere, every minute. Just the opposite, people are being born, everywhere, every minute. In short, the world is always changing, every second counts. Each and everyone of us holds our own time, and the choice is, what we're going to do with it. Whether we are going to waste it, or we are going to invest it in something eternal, it's up to us, not anyone else. So now, what will we choose? To die to ourselves, and let God's will be done. Or, will we choose to live the life the way we wants it to be? There's no wrong or right, it's our freedom, freedom as a human. However, you know what, this question measures how much God means to us, how much we love Him. Will we give our control to God, or will we hold it tight, not letting go? We know that God will look after us, protecting us, helping us, holding us. It doesn't matter what we've done in the past or what we are in the past. It's the PAST, what God cares about is our FUTURE. Are we going to place our future in God's hands? Or are we going to act smart and place it in our own hands? To lose ourselves, also means to win back something eternal. Now, will we cherish the every moment we have now? Even as you are reading this, take time to think, what are we going to do for this generation of youth. Are we going to leave it as it is, and pretend it's none of our business? Or are we going to step out of our comfort zones and do something about it? Time is running out, things won't be the same forever. We have to do something before it's too late. Holiday is ending, school is starting. Many may be reluctant to go to school, to start studying again. However, you know, only when we're in school, it's more easy for us to influence the people around us. Unlike me, I'm not going back to ADSS to study anymore, it's harder to reach out to the lost out there now. And someday, it will be your turn. Will you choose to leave your school, with a bunch of people that know God, or will you leave your school to rot, to die. Everyone needs God's salvation, and everyone has the right to have it. And we are the one responsible to show them God, show them the salvation, show them the change that God has brought to our life. If you don't catch this whole chunk of words, it's alright. Just know that, Do something before it's too late . Let our lives illuminate for God ; Sunday, December 20, 2009
![]() i know the picture is unpleasant, but please dont be bothered by it (: anyways.. this is what i learned for the past few days.. (: GEN.. our foundations are really weak ): i hate to say it, but my foundations are weak.. but our outward things or something? is all show.. it is expressed in every single way. i find that we are the buildings koksoon mentioned without footings.. grow as tall as you want, but in the end.. without a stable footing.. we can all stand side by side, watching one another fall. another example? is a human with short legs but long bodies. (Legs - Foundations; Body - Outward things) haha, if you can walk properly like that, i think you really are something (: my point is, even if you do have those short, but walkable legs , do you think you can really walk properly with the long body? if lets say your life is like a person with those legs and body.. unsteady, wobbling? so its just like what Junlin taught us during a prayer meet. Foundations are important.. some of us come to church for the sake of coming. some people do outreaching for the sake of outreaching. some say they wanna serve God simply because they just wanna serve. but sometimes i feel like questioning myself, why i say i wanna serve? for what reason? How? that kind of thing.. so lets build up our foundation people! ^^ Jiayou .. oh oh, on a side note, Please start writing your christmas cards ^^ thats all le! -Junjie.. (: (If i dont make sense, tell me ^^) Admiralty people.. (as requested.) Friday, December 18, 2009
Level Up!
![]() Oh mine - the above picture is just simply sexy and handsome :) I think I have got in love with the word sexy recently. :) in any case, I still love the above picture! For all those of you who were in Level Up with GEN, I want to simply give a loud shout to all of you that the woodlands we are today and from the past is simply a work of God and all of your commitment. Truth be it is that there were trying times, but all of you kept the faith and held on firmly to God. So for the list of names you are about to read, you were here in Level Up and we shall continue this race in faith and be a sub district real soon. :D Btw, we are 6 months old! Come June, we will be a year old. :D But we shall celebrate before we hit one year old. Then we shall bring the heart with painted with our bare hands during our celebration. GEN LEVEL UP CAMP Xin Ru Li Yan Jamie Sarah Cynthia Debbie Ellina Sherry Xue Qing Jin Lin Yan Xia Isabel Sharon Joshua Jian Hao Jun Wei Jun Jie Shen Da Kok Soon Sentosa Wee Kiat Wai Keong Ming Xiang Yi Yong Bin Hua Lucas Jericho Kelvin Hao Wen Hao Qiang David The 31 lives that will continue to be GLIM. hoe Labels: glim Wednesday, December 16, 2009
His Love
His love for us, it's beyond any explanations, and reasons... Why are we here? How come our lives changed after coming to know God? How come we are able to find our purpose in life? How come we will treasure what we have now? How come our lives were transformed, into better, into more Christ-like? You can ask all kinds of questions, but the answer is still : It's because of God's love. Even for... "Why do we get tempted, trials or testing?" God will just say, "Because I love you, and want you to be stronger, growing as we overcome them" Our lives, may changed long ago, and we forgot how we were in the past.. And i think God wants to remind us that, He transformed our lives. The day we first said the sinner's prayer, transformation started to happen, slowly, bit by bit.. and God did not love us, only as we become His disciples.. God has already love us, when we were sinners, and we still are. His love is so great that, it never fails to touch us, to transform us. As we overcome things, as circumstances become better, let's not forget to thank God for it, not forgetting that He's the One that is making all the things possible. He is the God that can even move the mountains.. Let our lives illuminate for God ; Kok Soon :) Not Alone
The title already says it all isn't it? Our hope is in God, He carry us through all the times, be it the deepest pit or the highest peak... There isn't a time, when he will abandon us. So no matter how cui we are, let's not give up, because God has not give up on us. God is always holding onto us, just like when people are carrying babies. We won't want the babies to be hurt, and will protect them at all cost, even at the cost of sacrificing yourself, and God did that. He sent Jesus to die for us, the greatest sacrificed ever. So, let's not forget, His presence is ALWAYS with us! The circumstances may not change, even when God is holding onto us, but God will change our inner self, of how we see things, how we view things. And He will bring us through. The chorus goes ... No weeping, no hurt or pain, no suffering .. why? No darkness, no sin or lame, no hiding .. why? Because God is there, and He is holding onto us. God IS Light, and He will shine, showing a path for us when we are not sure of what we are suppose to do. To seek Him instead of worrying and all, is the best solution of all problems.. The bridge goes ... Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.. And.. isn't this reminding of us that.. As God is light, let us be like Him, be a light, that shines, that directs, that show people, the right way, the way to God alone. With FAITH of not giving up, despite temptations, trials, sufferings... With HOPE, knowing that God shows the way, and things will work out fine... With LOVE towards God's people, compassion towards the lost... And we'll be the LIGHT, which shines, not for our own glory, but God's alone. Not for our own advantage, but for the lost to know God and what He has installs for everyone .. Let our lives illuminate for God ; Kok Soon :) Level Up Camp' 09. Marsiling! Isabel. Saturday, December 12, 2009
-Clothes (+ 1 dark shirt, best to be unwanted!) -Undergarments -Slippers -Toiletries -Towel *BIBLE + DEVOTION GUIDE -Pen/writing materials -Phone -Cash -Camera I think most of you still haven't pack your bag for camp, like me haha. :x Tip: Bring goggles. Up to you okay. I give tip only. ^^ Kudos, Jamie :D Light
![]() haha, as i was relieved from my devastating upset-ness.. i started thinking about LOL.. Leader Of Light.. haha, lets just continue to shine lor.. spread our light to those unlit bulbs :D this is something really cool right? i just randomly saw it (: what im trying to say is that, lets not make our light become die.. and continue to shine.. like the everlasting light that shines in the darkness ^^ thats all im gonna say for today le ^^ byebye :D the one and only wong Junjie again!! (: feelings?
![]() dont be bothered by this picture.. because i just edited it with 'Paint'..... anyways, today's prayer meet was beneficial. Amen? (: but somehow.. im feeling quite disappointed. when were were all called together in our lifegroup to pray.. the numbers looked awkward? when we compare GEN with the other Units that is. but i am not worried about the numbers now.. i am more worried about the hearts of our people.. i think when sharlene told us to pray as a lifegroup.. or rather.. GEN. i felt that it was somehow.. God's calling.. i feel that God is trying to tell us to grow, to achieve spiritual breakthroughs.. to attain greater heights.. this are the few questions i questioned myself a few minutes ago. what is our resolution? what does our heart tells us? whats our objective for camp?! but whatever the case may be.. i truly believe that GEN.. we can really attain greater heights.. really attain greater breakthroughs.. because i believe that we cannot just give up halfway.. wont you feel very irritated if you give up halfway while climbing the tallest mountain? so just continue to move on lah! or playing a game halfway and gave up? it may be tough, but no one ask you to do it in one shot. things were not meant to be like this.. giving up.. lacking faith.. and stuff like that? and i really hope we wouldnt be the same after the camp.. hais.. i know im feeling tired and feeling sickened nowadays.. but i know myself that i have to move forward.. thats why i hope you guys can do the same and something like that.. i just hope... things would work out with God by our side.. true faith has to be present, i think.. so lets just jiayou bah. pray hard hard. i really believe we can do it if we believe.. just an inspiration i got from some people and what happened to me today.. hope you guys understand.. Junjie. North G.. to GEN. Friday, December 11, 2009
Inspired .
Psalm 136 (New International Version) 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. Hebrews 13:5 (New International Version)5Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Know why He does this? It's so that we will continue to grow, forcefully advancing the Kingdom. Matthew 11:12 (New International Version) 12From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. Let our lives illuminate for God ; Kok Soon :) Thursday, December 10, 2009
anyway, lets do our best to forcefully advance the kingdom of God! the winning of souls must not stop! beatrix xinru GEN outing
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() While i was on my way to home, it just dawned upon me that I have been in this woodlands family for approximately quite long. I still vividly remember few incidents. Of which there was once after our unit event, and a group of guys came to approach one of our sisters to find trouble and the brothers were there to stand up for her. I still remember KS was there and someone wanted to help out! :) That's like early this year! I also remember most of you were frantically mugging your way through examinations over the years. Oh yes, i also remember i once had a shepherds meeting at KS house and a wonderful overnight! Well, frankly speaking I have adapted to Woodlands already. In the past, CWP seems so foreign but now it has become a place that i frequent. This is where I know when i need people to hang out with, I have my life group who won't mind hanging out with me! :D I believe that everyone can be in a family, but it's only a matter of choice to make the family our family.I have made mine and I'm extremely proud of my life group who never fails to update each other of our lives via SMS. Just in case you were wondering who on earth belongs to my life group! They are: Joshua, Jericho, James (JH), Jin Lin! 4J's Debbie Sentosa Xin Ru LiYan Billabong YY! I certainly love my life group because we go through high and lows, laughter and see the horrendous side of each other! I don't just have a life group family, but i have made them my family in my heart! :D so my dearest LG, I HEART ALL OF YOU! BTW, my LG is open for all! You can join! To be in my LG simply just lead a LG of your own! :D Okay! Time to upload some of our photos that GEN took today! :D HOE Labels: family Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Photos :D
May His light shine,
before all men on earth |